Fairview Knights "D" Team - June 28th, 2015 doubleheader against Brighton Bulldogs

I was the (first-time!) scoreboard operator for these two games, so figured I'd try something different and setup my Canon 7D with 17-55 lens to take pictures from my perspective. I had an intervalometer that took a snapshot every 30 seconds - so you can see the two hour game in a minute! Kinda cool but not overly exciting - next time I'll try mostly manually triggering the camera to better catch the boys in action.

Time-Lapse Animation of the two games - best seen in full-screen and watch in HiDef 4K!

A nifty (cropped) sequence of Kyle pitching in some great light as he finished off the 6th inning

Use the controls to play, step, pause, slow-down, and/or speed-up the animation.
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Fairview Knights Baseball Kyle pitching

Kyle comes up in the 7th inning for his last-at-bat in the Summer Season - crushing double to deep left!

Use the controls to play, step, pause, slow-down, and/or speed-up the animation.
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Fairview Knights Baseball Kyle Sequence
Photography Notes: Canon 7D with 17-55 was mounted on tripod which was "wedged" in between the announcer and scoreboarder operator - it's actually a pretty good fit but I also looped the strap around a bar for safety purposes. Lens was at 17mm (28mm effective) and camera was set to aperture priority - F/5 and ISO100 in the first game which was a bit aggressive - went with F/2.8 and ISO400 in game #2. Intervalometer was set to take a picture every 30 seconds plus I could manually trigger ... but I kept forgetting to do that as I watched the action. Processing done in Lightroom - 600 images - takes a while! Since the wood "press box" shakes around a little bit and the tripod leg was occasionally bumped, I had to stabilize the footage. Can't use Photoshop align with that many images, so used VirtualDub/DeShaker which works great ... but strips out the EXIF. So use EXIV to put that back in from the originals and then cropped to 4608x2592 and resized to 4K output of 3840x2160. IrfanView was used to overlay the time-stamp and those final set of stills were run through ffmpeg and then uploaded to Youtube - my notes here.

When/if I do again, the location is excellent (critical to be as level as possible to minimize post-processing straightening) and I'd probably shoot at F/4 and ISO400 (adjust if dimmer light) and zoom in a bit more ... but still need to give myself room for cropping. Was cool having the scoreboard in the FOV ... and if you watch closely, you can see the scoreboard operator (yours truly - first time) making a few mistakes - D'OH! ;-)

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