Global warming ... by Derek Zhang Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century and its projected continuation. The global average air temperature near the Earth's surface rose 1.93 F degress during the hundred years ending in 2007. Global warming is caused by the green house effect and the green house effect is caused by CO2, CO and CH4. The green house effect is when heat comes in and does not come out. Global warming causes floods because of glaciers melting. It also causes droughts and forest fires because global warming's heat is making the earth so hot. Here are some questions that involve global warming Q: Does global warming effect our earth? A: Yes, global warming affects our earth because it is causing floods, droughts and fires. Q: How much longer will the earth be here? A: About 100,000 years longer because the earth will get too hot or all of the ice will melt and will flood the earth. Q: Do animals get extinct from global warming? A: Yes animals do get extinct from global because the earth is either flooding them or burning them. Here are some ways we can help to prevent global warming. 1. Walk or bike to close places because cars, buses and planes produce a lot of CO2. 2. Don't litter plastic because plastic does not decay unlike paper 3. plant trees because trek suck CO2. I think we should respect our earth.