Find, Locate, Lookup & Show what is my IP Address to Country & City

Your IP Address             :
Your Hostname               :
Your ASN Number             : 14618
Your ASN Organization       : AMAZON-AES
Your Browser Type           : CCBot/2.0 (
Your Browser Port           : 54794
Your Browser Lang           : en-US,en;q=0.5
Your Previous URL           : No Referral
Your Location Latitude      : 39.0469°N
Your Location Longitude     : 77.4903°W
Your Google Map Links       : Wide Angle and Close In
Your Postal Code            : 20149
Your City Name              : Ashburn
Your Region Name            : Virginia
Your Country Name           : United States
Your Country Code           : US
Your Country Capital        : Washington
Your Country Flag           : country flag     See Large Flag   -   Show ALL Country Flags
Your Country Currency       : US Dollar
Your Continent Code         : NA
Your Continent Name         : North America
Your Time Zone              : America/New_York


If you are NOT a spammer, enable lookup by typing the numbers 20682 here ===>          

The "enter domainname/IP address" options have been disabled before due to spammers - please don't abuse it!

This web page demonstrates how one can find, lookup, locate, and show what is your IP address to a country & city ... plus lookup a few other pieces of information about who/what/where you are from.

First, it uses various HTTP variables to find the browser language, type, where you surfed from - i.e. what your IP address is (plus the referrer) - DNS is used to lookup the hostname from the later. Note that if you are using a web proxy (quite common in Corporate Environments), that IP address and hostname is what will be shown/used.

It then uses the Perl Module GeoIP2 and the MaxMind database to lookup the country and city information based on the IP address. Note that you can enter a domain name or IP address manually. BTW, there are more extensive databases that will provide more precise location data, but those cost dollars and this is meant just as quick-n-simple demo.

Javascript is used to determine all of the values from timezone on down. BTW, the images of the flags came from the CIA Factbook web site and here's a nifty map of the world. Please do not Email me asking for a copy of the code or more pointers on how to do this - use the resources mentioned above. Also, please do not use automated scripts to access this page.