Black Friday

My wife and I aren't big shoppers, but we've done a couple of Black Friday's. I was in the market for a new laptop, so I decided I would give it a go in 2008 to see if I could get lucky. So we set the alarm for 5:30 so I could be at the stores by the 6:00 opening. Yes, I know you "have" to camp out for the DoorBuster super specials, but I wasn't that motivated.

The night before, I had a monster Thanksgiving dinner along with wine, so I wasn't sleeping too well. I got up at 4:00 and noticed that the local paper's web site said 75 people were camped out at Best Buy already. So much for the DoorBusters. But I couldn't fall back asleep, so I woke my wife up at 5:30 (she had planned to go too), told her the scoop, and she said "I'm going back to bed" ... so off I went. No laptop, but I did end up buying some minor items from the $10 & $20 bins.

Picture taken at 5:52AM ... eight minutes before opening

black friday 1

5:59AM ... crowd is well behaved ... but cameraman is in early - I shoulda grabbed stuff!

black friday 2

6:00AM (and 19 seconds) ... let 'em in!!!

black friday 3

Six seconds after picture above as people come streaming in

black friday 4

First light as some shopper leave ... but note the parking lot is far from full

black friday 5

This picture was taken the night before - yours truly carving the turkey!

black friday turkey