1,082 christmas text messages on 2009/1221

The Christmas Lights Webcam allows Internet surfers to send "Instant Messages via webcam" which are displayed real-time in Santa's Workshop.In addition, web surfers are controlling the lights & inflatables - i.e. turning them on and off via X10 controls - which they did 10,647 times that day including 6,135 overloads of the system. For those that missed it, here's a log of what was said!

Christmas "Instant Messages on webcam" on 1221

Date_Time                 IP Address        Message
2009_12_21_16:00:15.247   072.160.229.xxx   First one
2009_12_21_16:00:18.086   069.180.210.xxx   hi!
2009_12_21_16:00:51.322   072.160.229.xxx   2nd one
2009_12_21_16:00:52.852   092.073.154.xxx   hi
2009_12_21_16:00:58.698   098.213.072.xxx   3rd
2009_12_21_16:01:03.693   069.180.210.xxx   Hello from Tennessee!
2009_12_21_16:01:29.726   091.082.146.xxx   Hello from Hungary!
2009_12_21_16:01:40.399   097.116.163.xxx   Hello from Minnesnowdah
2009_12_21_16:02:07.560   024.020.191.xxx   Hiya everyone!
2009_12_21_16:02:41.201   082.042.109.xxx   hello from the uk.
2009_12_21_16:02:41.898   069.180.210.xxx   Hello! How is everyone doing today?
2009_12_21_16:02:44.835   065.113.215.xxx   employ me today dot blogspot dot com
2009_12_21_16:03:25.218   082.042.109.xxx   happy chanuka
2009_12_21_16:03:29.959   098.213.072.xxx   More fun at night
2009_12_21_16:03:36.260   097.116.163.xxx   Have a fantastic eveing might check this site out again later. Byeeeeieieieo
2009_12_21_16:03:42.244   072.160.229.xxx   Hello From Green Bay, Wisconsin
2009_12_21_16:03:47.244   024.020.191.xxx   Merry Christmas to all!
2009_12_21_16:03:49.478   091.082.146.xxx   Hello everbody!
2009_12_21_16:04:01.472   069.180.210.xxx   Hello!
2009_12_21_16:04:16.531   065.113.215.xxx   what are the 2 different clock times?
2009_12_21_16:04:26.861   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Shortest day of the year ... so will be getting dark soon ... ***ALEK***
2009_12_21_16:04:27.823   072.160.229.xxx   Why did you want to do this
2009_12_21_16:05:06.468   069.180.210.xxx   my little brother tried to eat a Christmas ornament
2009_12_21_16:05:11.785   075.075.079.xxx   You want some of our DC snow?
2009_12_21_16:05:20.490   072.160.229.xxx   Alek How Do You Get You Name To Appear?
2009_12_21_16:05:33.850   091.082.146.xxx   Mery Christmas!
2009_12_21_16:05:35.582   069.180.210.xxx   I want snow!
2009_12_21_16:05:49.017   075.100.124.xxx   Hey Santa send me a winning lottery ticket./
2009_12_21_16:06:03.720   092.073.154.xxx   i have snow
2009_12_21_16:06:28.587   024.020.191.xxx   You should wave! Yes you!
2009_12_21_16:06:32.593   072.160.229.xxx   Alek How Do You Get Your Name To Appear?
2009_12_21_16:07:06.834   072.160.229.xxx   Alek How Do You Get Your Name To Appear?
2009_12_21_16:07:14.699   075.075.079.xxx   Can you wave at us?  Happy Holidays!
2009_12_21_16:07:27.333   069.180.210.xxx   I was hoping for snow here in Tennessee, but only East TN got it
2009_12_21_16:07:40.652   024.020.191.xxx   PLease wave! PLEASE! Don't worry! BE happy!
2009_12_21_16:07:46.181   072.160.229.xxx   Alek How Do You Get Your Name To Appear?
2009_12_21_16:08:03.184   069.180.210.xxx   THE SINGING FISH!!!!
2009_12_21_16:08:13.236   083.089.070.xxx   .......................................................
2009_12_21_16:08:36.913   072.160.229.xxx   Alek How Do You Get Your Name To Appear?
2009_12_21_16:09:00.203   098.213.072.xxx   You dont
2009_12_21_16:09:03.114   083.089.070.xxx   ERROR CODE NO: 404
2009_12_21_16:09:08.165   069.180.210.xxx   well, you said don't worry be happy....
2009_12_21_16:09:43.098   083.089.070.xxx   YAH JUST GOT RICK ROLL'D!!
2009_12_21_16:10:01.773   091.082.146.xxx   In Hungary the time is 00:09 am
2009_12_21_16:10:06.099   069.180.210.xxx   I don't understand what that is....what is it? (10 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_16:11:25.470   083.089.070.xxx   PILLZS HERE!!, GRABING PILLZS!
2009_12_21_16:12:07.527   069.180.210.xxx   4 more days!!! (11)
2009_12_21_16:12:26.369   092.073.154.xxx   fliegenpilze?
2009_12_21_16:12:38.332   083.089.070.xxx   louis: TAAAAANK!!!
2009_12_21_16:13:02.326   076.245.226.xxx   Homer says Merry Christmas!!
2009_12_21_16:14:12.422   091.082.146.xxx   Moln___r Patrik:     This is cool snd mery christmas for all!
2009_12_21_16:14:59.000   091.082.146.xxx   Moln___ Patrik:     This is cool and mery christmas for all!
2009_12_21_16:15:26.793   083.089.070.xxx   Peter Griffin's favorite song of all-time!
2009_12_21_16:15:44.718   091.082.146.xxx   Moln___r Patrik:     This is cool and mery christmas for all!
2009_12_21_16:16:00.990   069.180.210.xxx   my little brother tried to eat a Christmas ornament (12)
2009_12_21_16:16:47.109   092.073.154.xxx   I cut it off to bed .. good night
2009_12_21_16:16:51.790   074.129.148.xxx   merry Christmas
2009_12_21_16:17:34.033   091.082.146.xxx   Alek this is a very good system!
2009_12_21_16:17:58.530   069.180.210.xxx   anyone on here from Tennessee? or am I the only one? (13)
2009_12_21_16:18:16.341   076.228.069.xxx   Hi Santa and elfs.
2009_12_21_16:19:16.311   091.082.146.xxx   Godd night
2009_12_21_16:19:25.765   076.228.069.xxx   dhgmh
2009_12_21_16:19:47.878   069.180.210.xxx   Happy Christmas & Merry New Year (14)
2009_12_21_16:20:00.831   076.228.069.xxx   your not santa
2009_12_21_16:20:16.848   069.180.210.xxx   who me? (15)
2009_12_21_16:20:36.414   076.228.069.xxx   yes
2009_12_21_16:20:44.710   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Wife should be home in about 5 minutes, so moving Giant Santa ***ALEK***
2009_12_21_16:20:56.596   069.180.210.xxx   I'm not santa but I do like cookies (16)
2009_12_21_16:21:07.525   076.228.069.xxx   ok
2009_12_21_16:21:33.348   071.072.039.xxx   Good eve Alek.! I envy you + the 56d temp there.  :D
2009_12_21_16:21:53.682   091.082.146.xxx   I think what i'm go to bed,Good night and mery christmas! (10 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_16:22:11.404   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Yes, very warm today ... cold front coming in two days though ***ALEK***
2009_12_21_16:22:13.329   074.184.237.xxx   Alek your pictures of your trip(s) were stunning.  Scared to even ask what kind
2009_12_21_16:22:15.535   069.180.210.xxx   merry Christmas (17)
2009_12_21_16:22:45.642   082.025.054.xxx   This thing needs a spell check!!
2009_12_21_16:23:15.503   076.228.069.xxx   i love the cristmas lights
2009_12_21_16:23:32.137   074.184.237.xxx   What kind of camera were you using on your trip(s)?
2009_12_21_16:23:46.639   174.059.242.xxx   Jenn from jenn.nu says hi!
2009_12_21_16:24:02.754   082.025.054.xxx   Don't get Alex started on cameras - yawn!!
2009_12_21_16:24:28.935   074.184.237.xxx   WOOF, are you here?!?  :)
2009_12_21_16:25:35.451   091.105.076.xxx   hello
2009_12_21_16:26:06.348   091.105.076.xxx   billyhtepetfun
2009_12_21_16:27:32.344   069.180.210.xxx   Iwish Christmas would get here sooner! (18)
2009_12_21_16:29:37.356   082.025.054.xxx   Hello Christmas house dude!
2009_12_21_16:30:07.475   081.191.003.xxx   Happy Chrismukkah!
2009_12_21_16:30:40.575   090.194.169.xxx   merry christmas from jolly old england
2009_12_21_16:31:11.601   069.180.210.xxx   Merry Christmas from all us down here in Tennessee (19)
2009_12_21_16:32:49.449   069.180.210.xxx   wow! all the way across the Atlantic! (20 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_16:33:15.979   086.012.054.xxx   Merry Christmas Alek and family
2009_12_21_16:35:32.431   068.200.235.xxx   HI FROM DUNEDIN FLORIDA
2009_12_21_16:37:31.098   067.085.179.xxx   New Jersey sends love!
2009_12_21_16:41:10.063   203.092.222.xxx   Hey I just switched your lights off from New Zealand!
2009_12_21_16:41:56.426   086.012.054.xxx   And from the UK :-)
2009_12_21_16:42:27.205   203.092.222.xxx   Well I'm inn NZ but from Middlesbrough!
2009_12_21_16:43:26.220   086.012.054.xxx   Thats nice
2009_12_21_16:43:47.487   091.082.146.xxx   hahahahahah (11)
2009_12_21_16:44:19.728   203.092.222.xxx   hohohohohohoho!
2009_12_21_16:44:33.116   099.135.229.xxx   frog bumps his bottom when jumps
2009_12_21_16:46:04.089   086.012.054.xxx   Camel has the hump
2009_12_21_16:47:52.934   162.040.156.xxx   Hello
2009_12_21_16:48:13.514   086.012.054.xxx   Hi :-)
2009_12_21_16:48:15.425   074.184.237.xxx   Hello
2009_12_21_16:48:35.368   074.184.237.xxx   Howdy
2009_12_21_16:48:51.416   086.012.054.xxx   Hi :-)
2009_12_21_16:49:09.433   074.184.237.xxx   Greetings and Salutations  :)
2009_12_21_16:49:33.813   203.092.222.xxx   howzit?
2009_12_21_16:49:42.207   086.012.054.xxx   Hi Alek I'm on my Mac
2009_12_21_16:49:49.020   074.184.237.xxx   Excellent
2009_12_21_16:50:04.614   203.092.222.xxx   froody!
2009_12_21_16:50:16.460   086.012.054.xxx   Luke on his itouch
2009_12_21_16:50:40.825   074.184.237.xxx   Getting my dd an itouch for Christmas.  HAve no idea what all it does.
2009_12_21_16:51:16.477   074.184.237.xxx   You can get online with an itouch?  I had no idea.
2009_12_21_16:51:51.618   086.012.054.xxx   They are very good
2009_12_21_16:52:05.671   069.180.210.xxx   hello everyone! (21)
2009_12_21_16:52:06.124   074.184.237.xxx   That's good to know (10 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_16:52:33.198   086.012.054.xxx   You can play great games too (10 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_16:52:54.698   074.184.237.xxx   Good.  can she transfer her songs from her ipod to the itouch? (11)
2009_12_21_16:53:20.782   086.012.054.xxx   Yes you can (11)
2009_12_21_16:53:35.968   074.184.237.xxx   Oh yay___ that's great. (12)
2009_12_21_16:54:00.782   086.012.054.xxx   Luke thinks its great too (12)
2009_12_21_16:55:09.134   086.012.054.xxx   well gill is going now (13)
2009_12_21_16:55:46.682   086.012.054.xxx   Nursing a horrible cough (14)
2009_12_21_16:56:16.992   086.012.054.xxx   Night night (15)
2009_12_21_16:58:00.661   086.012.054.xxx   I'm on my iPod touch (16)
2009_12_21_16:58:11.682   069.149.122.xxx   howdy doo
2009_12_21_16:59:30.129   129.099.139.xxx   Merry Christmas!
2009_12_21_17:04:00.954   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Time for dinner - taco's tonight - yummm! ***ALEK***
2009_12_21_17:07:34.910   071.072.039.xxx   Sounds like good grubbin there..   :D
2009_12_21_17:08:07.195   098.212.252.xxx   Love you Bradley!  CR
2009_12_21_17:08:09.377   069.243.222.xxx   Merry Christmas
2009_12_21_17:08:15.322   099.135.229.xxx   peanut butter jelly time
2009_12_21_17:09:13.974   098.212.252.xxx   Love you Bradley!  CR
2009_12_21_17:12:12.050   098.212.252.xxx   hi mom
2009_12_21_17:14:18.058   099.135.229.xxx   ho ho ho
2009_12_21_17:19:33.284   067.040.201.xxx   I play with your lights every year!
2009_12_21_17:21:39.635   012.180.000.xxx   Happy Holidays from Boise, Idaho!
2009_12_21_17:22:34.285   199.091.034.xxx   Wichita wants white Christmas - send snow!
2009_12_21_17:24:40.847   067.040.201.xxx   It almost snowed in the capitol of WA this week... Almost...
2009_12_21_17:37:30.495   086.000.010.xxx   HELLO AND MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM WALES UK
2009_12_21_17:37:44.627   098.160.221.xxx   Taco Bell needs to have a xmas light contest!
2009_12_21_17:39:32.312   071.176.136.xxx   HI camden and ben
2009_12_21_17:40:24.118   091.021.030.xxx   i___ll be fat after xmas
2009_12_21_17:40:24.422   086.000.010.xxx   Type text & CR to see real-time in SLINK DELETED Workshop Cam!
2009_12_21_17:40:54.943   091.021.030.xxx   i will be fat after xmas
2009_12_21_17:41:52.101   071.176.136.xxx   hihihihihihi
2009_12_21_17:42:26.709   071.176.136.xxx   ben
2009_12_21_17:43:01.266   071.176.136.xxx   camden church
2009_12_21_17:44:23.834   066.223.246.xxx   Testing the lights!
2009_12_21_17:44:34.056   041.196.216.xxx   hiiii
2009_12_21_17:45:04.914   041.196.216.xxx   Merry christmas to alllllll
2009_12_21_17:45:52.655   091.021.030.xxx   only 2 day here
2009_12_21_17:46:56.848   091.021.030.xxx   he should make a new year cam too
2009_12_21_17:48:13.128   068.053.155.xxx   Tennessee NEEDS a WHITE CHRISTMAS
2009_12_21_17:50:04.504   069.180.210.xxx   Yeah we do!!! (22)
2009_12_21_17:50:31.503   069.180.210.xxx   Hello from Tennessee! (23)
2009_12_21_17:50:36.647   082.042.109.xxx   iam dreaming if a white  christmas. just like the 1 i used to know
2009_12_21_17:51:26.960   069.180.210.xxx   ha ha last time i had a white christmas I think it was an ice storm (24)
2009_12_21_17:52:30.896   082.042.109.xxx   santa run off with my wife last year. so i dont like christmas
2009_12_21_17:53:04.603   069.180.210.xxx   anyone else from Tennessee? (25)
2009_12_21_17:53:05.751   082.042.109.xxx   she was a  ho ho ho
2009_12_21_17:53:29.134   069.180.210.xxx   anyone else from Tennessee? (26)
2009_12_21_17:54:08.627   082.042.109.xxx   iam from where the beatles where made
2009_12_21_17:55:32.370   069.180.210.xxx   No school all week! woo hoo!!! (27)
2009_12_21_17:56:37.510   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** No school for my kids for TWO weeks! ***ALEK***
2009_12_21_17:59:09.144   091.021.030.xxx   man there are 4 pounds of xmas cookys next to me. i will be fat after xmas
2009_12_21_18:01:38.309   084.053.031.xxx   HEHE
2009_12_21_18:02:24.492   084.053.031.xxx   Wow, that actually worked! Hi everyone, greetings from Norway!
2009_12_21_18:03:46.980   067.071.138.xxx   merry christmas from Toronto!
2009_12_21_18:04:28.075   070.080.075.xxx   Merry Christmas from Montr___al!!!
2009_12_21_18:04:29.274   200.003.249.xxx   Homer is not inflating
2009_12_21_18:05:08.301   067.071.138.xxx   Hommer go flaccid
2009_12_21_18:05:58.186   067.071.138.xxx   Homer OK now
2009_12_21_18:11:07.473   067.237.161.xxx   hello from VA
2009_12_21_18:12:19.795   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** que pasa aka how are you ") ***ALEK***
2009_12_21_18:12:26.566   076.188.235.xxx   thoses boys are g**
2009_12_21_18:12:50.196   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Hi ***ALEK***
2009_12_21_18:12:52.769   076.188.235.xxx   nice b****
2009_12_21_18:12:55.716   098.160.221.xxx   The Carpenters are on Youtube, I miss Karen!
2009_12_21_18:14:51.944   071.233.238.xxx   oh hi there!
2009_12_21_18:18:49.285   066.233.214.xxx   Traversable !!
2009_12_21_18:20:01.427   068.238.139.xxx   Happy Holidays from the Oregon Coast
2009_12_21_18:20:14.171   075.076.206.xxx   Merry Christmas Skyler
2009_12_21_18:21:53.024   075.076.206.xxx   i love your lights
2009_12_21_18:22:47.425   173.080.166.xxx   hello?
2009_12_21_18:23:52.676   098.160.221.xxx   ZONE 1 on roof is not going off!
2009_12_21_18:24:55.541   098.160.221.xxx   HULK SPOTLIGHT AREA NOT GOING OFF
2009_12_21_18:25:31.416   098.160.221.xxx   HULK INTERMITENT
2009_12_21_18:26:12.383   075.076.206.xxx   hi i am awesome
2009_12_21_18:26:44.343   075.076.206.xxx   i wish u a merry christmas
2009_12_21_18:27:43.202   174.021.127.xxx   Buy a Dyson DC23 Turbinehead canister vacuum
2009_12_21_18:28:17.279   069.180.210.xxx   no, I'm awesome! (28)
2009_12_21_18:30:34.639   098.160.221.xxx   HULK ZONE 1 on roof NOT DOING IT RIGHT NO ON!
2009_12_21_18:30:55.433   174.021.127.xxx   I love you :)
2009_12_21_18:31:29.410   174.021.127.xxx   Merry x-mas
2009_12_21_18:32:08.221   069.180.210.xxx   Happy Christmas & Merry New Year (29)
2009_12_21_18:32:48.951   098.160.221.xxx   Zone 1 front on but not on roof
2009_12_21_18:33:43.375   069.180.210.xxx   I think it's messed up (30 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_18:33:56.133   098.160.221.xxx   What up with dat?
2009_12_21_18:34:14.822   070.154.222.xxx   Good job this year
2009_12_21_18:34:38.614   098.160.221.xxx   Whats up with hulk?
2009_12_21_18:34:45.152   070.154.222.xxx   wow
2009_12_21_18:35:59.729   098.160.221.xxx   See hulk now still on (10 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_18:36:15.610   205.188.117.xxx   this is fake. lol
2009_12_21_18:36:26.438   069.180.210.xxx   I hope we get a white Christmas this year (31)
2009_12_21_18:36:52.602   205.188.117.xxx   if your there look over here
2009_12_21_18:37:27.771   098.160.221.xxx   Kids bumping CAM 1 (11)
2009_12_21_18:37:31.501   069.180.210.xxx   He's there....he's working (32)
2009_12_21_18:37:40.102   068.150.181.xxx   already got ours!
2009_12_21_18:38:01.930   205.188.117.xxx   hese suchh a phaggot
2009_12_21_18:38:03.444   098.160.221.xxx   Zone 1 is off HULK still on (12)
2009_12_21_18:39:02.313   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** X10 sometimes "burps" - zone #1 just worked for me - HULK OFF - he's angry now! ***ALEK***
2009_12_21_18:39:52.284   098.160.221.xxx   word ON is on and hulk off (13)
2009_12_21_18:40:07.798   205.188.117.xxx   gaf a tahw (Read that backwards)
2009_12_21_18:40:36.954   205.188.117.xxx   8=======D
2009_12_21_18:40:41.565   098.160.221.xxx   HULK BURP REALLY BAD! (14)
2009_12_21_18:41:21.931   205.188.117.xxx   santa needs a big 8=====D in his toushy
2009_12_21_18:41:59.397   205.188.117.xxx   the guy above me loves 8====D
2009_12_21_18:42:46.919   098.160.221.xxx   Hit zone 1 on 5 times to get it to go (15)
2009_12_21_18:43:15.704   205.188.117.xxx   f*** THIS
2009_12_21_18:43:30.673   024.083.112.xxx   HELLO!
2009_12_21_18:43:43.807   205.188.117.xxx   YOUR g**
2009_12_21_18:44:01.846   069.180.210.xxx   hi (33)
2009_12_21_18:44:22.043   098.160.221.xxx   Wife running hairdryer? (16)
2009_12_21_18:44:22.952   205.188.117.xxx   8=======D ______  ____________ (10 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_18:44:42.969   187.021.201.xxx   WTF o_o
2009_12_21_18:44:51.862   075.089.130.xxx   606 706 3482
2009_12_21_18:45:08.655   076.228.069.xxx   ho ho ho! this is santa
2009_12_21_18:45:10.295   075.132.201.xxx   blarrrrr
2009_12_21_18:45:17.268   098.201.056.xxx   ???
2009_12_21_18:45:26.994   081.036.199.xxx   you got twittere'd!
2009_12_21_18:45:31.115   187.021.201.xxx   holy shiet, that's AWESOME! =D
2009_12_21_18:45:32.377   024.083.112.xxx   Visit Lavish.nu
2009_12_21_18:45:58.156   024.083.112.xxx   aidanwynn.ca
2009_12_21_18:46:04.996   075.089.130.xxx   loldongs
2009_12_21_18:46:11.299   071.253.083.xxx   Can u wave @ the cam 4 us?
2009_12_21_18:46:15.477   076.228.069.xxx   ho ho ho! THIS IS SANTA
2009_12_21_18:46:33.902   075.089.130.xxx   ni****s
2009_12_21_18:46:58.987   173.011.022.xxx   Merry Christmas to all!
2009_12_21_18:46:59.232   075.089.130.xxx   p****?
2009_12_21_18:47:00.964   071.253.083.xxx   hello
2009_12_21_18:47:09.894   067.110.215.xxx   My kids are in ___3 CR
2009_12_21_18:47:16.219   069.180.210.xxx   Hey Santa,I want some fried chicken, a singing fish,& a fiddle! (34)
2009_12_21_18:47:18.929   076.228.069.xxx   YOU HAVE BEEN NOODY
2009_12_21_18:47:27.728   075.089.130.xxx   p3ni2
2009_12_21_18:47:58.475   069.180.210.xxx   Who on here remembers the singing fish? (35)
2009_12_21_18:47:59.542   067.110.215.xxx   Love, my kids are in love!
2009_12_21_18:47:59.856   209.169.223.xxx   Todd Loves Holly!!!
2009_12_21_18:48:17.941   096.236.215.xxx   That has got to be a big electric bill.
2009_12_21_18:48:23.828   067.061.056.xxx   WOW
2009_12_21_18:48:55.404   075.045.079.xxx   HO HO HO!
2009_12_21_18:48:59.461   067.242.017.xxx   Merry christmas!!
2009_12_21_18:49:09.797   069.180.210.xxx   Don (36)
2009_12_21_18:49:12.160   076.228.069.xxx   I LOVE SUGER COOKIES! (11)
2009_12_21_18:49:22.593   067.165.250.xxx   I love the Power Glove. It's so bad.
2009_12_21_18:49:47.307   069.180.210.xxx   sorry typo..meant Don't worry, be happy!!! (37)
2009_12_21_18:49:58.716   068.048.139.xxx   Hi from @ThinkGeek!
2009_12_21_18:50:31.138   071.224.127.xxx   Lights go on, Lights go off. Lights go on, Lights go off. Lights go on...
2009_12_21_18:50:39.338   069.180.210.xxx   I love sugar cookies & CANDY CANES!!!!! (38)
2009_12_21_18:51:01.251   076.107.037.xxx   Happy holidays..from one gluten free to another. =)
2009_12_21_18:51:08.717   070.057.037.xxx   This is way too amusing for my own good
2009_12_21_18:51:50.539   071.253.083.xxx   This is a way cool site! TNX
2009_12_21_18:52:01.652   173.011.022.xxx   I'm addicted, yikes!
2009_12_21_18:52:13.938   075.132.201.xxx   TURN IT ALL OFFFF
2009_12_21_18:52:33.618   098.160.221.xxx   Oh, probably shouldn't run 2 CM controllers (17)
2009_12_21_18:52:36.949   069.180.210.xxx   me too! I've been on this thing since thanksgiving (39)
2009_12_21_18:52:42.579   075.132.201.xxx   help turn it all off!!!!
2009_12_21_18:53:09.168   071.224.127.xxx   Nooo! must inflate! :P
2009_12_21_18:53:14.865   098.160.221.xxx   They will transmit at the same time sometimes (18)
2009_12_21_18:53:19.890   075.132.201.xxx   seriously turn it all off and eflate
2009_12_21_18:53:58.414   071.253.083.xxx   Hi from Pennsylvania
2009_12_21_18:54:39.243   068.173.147.xxx   Fieros are Awesome! :)
2009_12_21_18:55:07.146   069.040.004.xxx   Ho ho ho!
2009_12_21_18:55:15.697   068.173.147.xxx   Very cool lights! :)
2009_12_21_18:55:38.294   173.011.022.xxx   Jessica Simpson is tragically not smart, apparently.
2009_12_21_18:55:38.950   209.089.242.xxx   Thanks for the cool lightshow!
2009_12_21_18:55:51.331   024.108.011.xxx   Awesome lightshow!
2009_12_21_18:55:57.881   071.253.083.xxx   were'd u go
2009_12_21_18:56:42.414   069.180.210.xxx   He went to KFC. (40 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_18:56:46.602   065.026.091.xxx   This is so bizzarre!  busy website!
2009_12_21_18:56:49.390   187.019.007.xxx   NIce lights
2009_12_21_18:56:52.505   097.124.191.xxx   Well done!
2009_12_21_18:57:00.846   069.171.163.xxx   Happy Holidays!
2009_12_21_18:57:13.007   071.253.083.xxx   KFC LOL
2009_12_21_18:57:32.635   070.182.088.xxx   LULZ
2009_12_21_18:57:41.333   203.032.082.xxx   Hey from Australia
2009_12_21_18:58:17.116   070.182.088.xxx   i sent this to all the hackers i know
2009_12_21_18:58:19.424   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** ThinkGeek gang has showed up - their stuff ROCKS! ***ALEK***
2009_12_21_18:58:52.698   070.182.088.xxx   ThinkGeek is pretty bomb
2009_12_21_18:58:58.089   174.052.122.xxx   hmmm  borked  =(
2009_12_21_18:59:00.322   210.049.214.xxx   who's gonna make the gravy?
2009_12_21_18:59:03.958   069.171.163.xxx   I ___3 ThinkGeek. They're terrific.
2009_12_21_18:59:14.462   071.253.083.xxx   Hey Aussie, What time is it down under?
2009_12_21_18:59:15.414   069.180.210.xxx   yup, you gotta love fried chicken (41)
2009_12_21_18:59:21.333   076.181.079.xxx   ThinkGeek FTW!
2009_12_21_18:59:36.691   070.182.088.xxx   No free shipping on BAWLS though :(
2009_12_21_19:00:27.604   070.182.088.xxx   did someone just give me the finger?
2009_12_21_19:00:29.566   098.237.192.xxx   howdy luscious!
2009_12_21_19:01:02.616   066.190.103.xxx   hi abby!
2009_12_21_19:01:06.517   071.253.083.xxx   Hey can u run any of this stuff off a clapper?
2009_12_21_19:01:10.513   070.048.010.xxx   profit says hello all
2009_12_21_19:01:29.791   069.180.210.xxx   Holy Macaroni! Only 4 more days! (42)
2009_12_21_19:01:30.864   071.179.086.xxx   This website reminds me of good ol' Web 1.0
2009_12_21_19:01:36.139   069.171.163.xxx   Hiya profit
2009_12_21_19:02:07.218   069.180.210.xxx   Hello (43)
2009_12_21_19:02:11.642   071.253.083.xxx   :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
2009_12_21_19:02:17.035   174.052.122.xxx   HOLY MOLEY!
2009_12_21_19:02:18.334   210.049.214.xxx   who's gonna make the gravy?
2009_12_21_19:02:23.888   070.048.010.xxx   inflate deflate donate
2009_12_21_19:02:33.837   071.253.083.xxx   Type text & CR to see real-time in Santa's Workshop Cam! (10 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_19:02:34.940   098.237.192.xxx   FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUNKIS!!!!!!!!!!
2009_12_21_19:02:35.576   069.180.210.xxx   KFC will (44)
2009_12_21_19:02:36.114   098.160.221.xxx   FIRED RATS!! (19)
2009_12_21_19:02:46.177   024.113.216.xxx   White Wolf Was Here! :0)
2009_12_21_19:03:05.465   098.160.221.xxx   FIRE AT RATS (20 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_19:03:05.943   174.052.122.xxx   HOLY MOLEY!
2009_12_21_19:03:23.300   024.021.129.xxx   My eggnog is full of brandy!  ___-___
2009_12_21_19:03:29.639   069.180.210.xxx   Holy Macaroni! 435 people!!! (45)
2009_12_21_19:03:29.631   069.238.018.xxx   Smokey Behr was here to play
2009_12_21_19:03:40.167   098.160.221.xxx   RATS DON'T WEAR HATS (21)
2009_12_21_19:03:42.994   098.237.192.xxx   ted sheckler's christmas emporium!
2009_12_21_19:04:01.822   174.052.122.xxx   interaction = cool...  website... not so much
2009_12_21_19:04:09.936   068.102.018.xxx   Merry Christmas, Bethany!
2009_12_21_19:04:11.171   072.216.023.xxx   The web design brings me back to 1998
2009_12_21_19:04:26.998   069.180.210.xxx   Merry Christmas from Tennessee! (46)
2009_12_21_19:04:27.379   098.237.192.xxx   oh uncle paul...!
2009_12_21_19:04:33.281   174.052.122.xxx   before 1998 even
2009_12_21_19:04:34.179   098.160.221.xxx   RATS ARE NOT BATS! (22)
2009_12_21_19:04:59.860   077.083.227.xxx   sdfsdfs?
2009_12_21_19:05:01.713   098.160.221.xxx   FAT CAT RAT! (23)
2009_12_21_19:05:05.220   068.048.139.xxx   Hi from @ThinkGeek!
2009_12_21_19:05:10.276   024.021.129.xxx   HULK SMASH PUNY TEXT!
2009_12_21_19:05:38.193   098.160.221.xxx   Ripoff this site not shown on thinkgeek! (24)
2009_12_21_19:05:45.730   077.083.227.xxx   GEIA SOU THEKLA
2009_12_21_19:06:06.169   098.237.192.xxx   howdy p**nie mottskers!
2009_12_21_19:06:12.430   085.074.248.xxx   EFSTRATIA
2009_12_21_19:06:18.058   098.160.221.xxx   IM TALKING AT (AT) AT SIGN THINKGEEK! (25)
2009_12_21_19:06:45.483   085.074.248.xxx   o antreas agapaei tin effie
2009_12_21_19:07:03.209   077.083.227.xxx   MANESPITIA
2009_12_21_19:07:19.272   076.232.205.xxx   Wheeee
2009_12_21_19:07:17.936   157.127.155.xxx   fun but I wish the website was designed better
2009_12_21_19:07:24.455   098.160.221.xxx   IT'S AN AT (AT) AT SIGN! You don't talk AT someone (26)
2009_12_21_19:07:27.476   098.237.192.xxx   that's what she said...
2009_12_21_19:08:07.834   098.160.221.xxx   At party, hey AT Joe - Im talking to you! (27)
2009_12_21_19:08:16.443   024.021.129.xxx   She sells seashells by the sea Santa.
2009_12_21_19:08:21.122   077.083.227.xxx   00306978985904 call me, i'm wet.
2009_12_21_19:08:23.305   203.032.082.xxx   Greeting Earthling
2009_12_21_19:09:02.933   068.150.181.xxx   get out of the snow then, dummy!
2009_12_21_19:09:25.338   210.049.214.xxx   don't bring guns to snowball fights
2009_12_21_19:09:38.331   076.247.099.xxx   you guys are awesome!
2009_12_21_19:10:01.527   098.160.221.xxx   AT thinkgeek is a retarded way to say something to someone (28)
2009_12_21_19:10:08.326   200.112.031.xxx   asadasd
2009_12_21_19:10:34.186   076.247.099.xxx   Hook 'em Horns! UT ftw on 01/7
2009_12_21_19:10:38.645   200.112.031.xxx   follow me @f3lip3
2009_12_21_19:10:40.770   210.049.214.xxx   up the punx
2009_12_21_19:11:05.855   200.112.031.xxx   follow me @f3lip3
2009_12_21_19:11:24.201   077.083.227.xxx   hi xristofore!
2009_12_21_19:11:37.534   200.112.031.xxx   follow me @f3lip3
2009_12_21_19:11:41.940   069.180.210.xxx   Here comes santa claus, here comes santa claus (47)
2009_12_21_19:12:01.662   210.049.214.xxx   right down sandy claws lane
2009_12_21_19:12:07.714   077.049.251.xxx   hi effiiiie
2009_12_21_19:12:22.046   098.160.221.xxx   WHY ARE YOU AT (AT) f3lip3? It's not a domain! RETARD (29)
2009_12_21_19:12:31.616   067.176.094.xxx   Heyo shiny world! Love, Internetland
2009_12_21_19:12:57.469   069.180.210.xxx   you got a cat named Sandy claws? (48)
2009_12_21_19:13:28.445   210.049.214.xxx   sandy claws sandy claws
2009_12_21_19:13:40.145   069.180.210.xxx   that's the name of a cat ain't it? (49)
2009_12_21_19:13:45.725   098.160.221.xxx   You are watching TV land, that means you are a cat alone in an apartment (30 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_19:14:02.372   068.150.181.xxx   anyone see those pictures of the Snowball..
2009_12_21_19:14:04.436   068.048.139.xxx   The @ sign is the start of a twitter username, not part of sp**ch
2009_12_21_19:14:29.674   098.160.221.xxx   ITS AN AT SIGN!! It's been on from 1970 GROW UP (31)
2009_12_21_19:14:39.953   069.180.210.xxx   I don't live in an apartment, I live in Tennessee (50 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_19:14:45.860   077.083.227.xxx   @vooz_
2009_12_21_19:14:46.420   068.150.181.xxx   anyone see those pictures of the Snowball..
2009_12_21_19:14:47.867   210.049.214.xxx   I would rather not have KFC for a year. But thanks.
2009_12_21_19:15:08.527   098.160.221.xxx   Cats like fried RATS (32)
2009_12_21_19:15:09.270   065.074.119.xxx   Hello from Fairbanks, Alaska
2009_12_21_19:15:16.399   068.150.181.xxx   anyone see those pictures of the Snowball..
2009_12_21_19:15:31.162   069.180.210.xxx   you wouldn't? I would love to have free KFC for a year! (51)
2009_12_21_19:15:46.274   068.150.181.xxx   fight in Times Square New York??
2009_12_21_19:15:57.006   098.160.221.xxx   Fried rats for a year? Cool! (33)
2009_12_21_19:16:05.932   096.054.065.xxx   Merry Christmas!
2009_12_21_19:16:48.004   067.249.224.xxx   CornflakeJustice wishes a happy yule!
2009_12_21_19:17:23.983   069.180.210.xxx   Happy Christmas & Merry New Year (52)
2009_12_21_19:18:17.609   069.180.210.xxx   fried rats? what? (53)
2009_12_21_19:19:06.606   210.049.214.xxx   why does santa always give the rich kids better presents?
2009_12_21_19:19:46.953   069.180.210.xxx   503 people!!!! (54)
2009_12_21_19:20:09.814   210.049.214.xxx   Hello Dan, It's Joe here
2009_12_21_19:20:17.532   068.150.181.xxx   cause they are rich
2009_12_21_19:20:48.470   098.160.221.xxx   Hey AT Joe! How are you? (34)
2009_12_21_19:20:50.472   210.049.214.xxx   Classist! (10 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_19:21:13.633   068.150.181.xxx   you do realize, it's their parents right, no SC
2009_12_21_19:21:23.800   119.225.094.xxx   Is this thing on?
2009_12_21_19:21:34.699   210.049.214.xxx   WHAT!?! (11)
2009_12_21_19:21:56.472   069.180.210.xxx   who knows (55)
2009_12_21_19:22:04.001   068.150.181.xxx   NO SANTA CLAUS!
2009_12_21_19:22:10.041   069.149.122.xxx   ho ho hoooooo
2009_12_21_19:22:17.446   210.049.214.xxx   Who's gonna make the gravy? (12)
2009_12_21_19:22:29.596   069.180.210.xxx   KFC (56)
2009_12_21_19:22:46.920   210.049.214.xxx   I bet it won't taste the same (13)
2009_12_21_19:22:47.468   075.073.131.xxx   Hiya
2009_12_21_19:23:00.802   069.180.210.xxx   hello! (57)
2009_12_21_19:23:05.226   098.160.221.xxx   AT SANTA CLAUS YOU ARE THE BEST (35)
2009_12_21_19:23:24.337   068.150.181.xxx   Santa died in 1675 when his sleigh crashed..  nobody survived (10 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_19:23:37.922   210.049.214.xxx   Praise the baby Jesus. Have a Merry Christmas! (14)
2009_12_21_19:23:51.191   069.180.210.xxx   Ya'll too! (58)
2009_12_21_19:23:56.588   071.118.155.xxx   It's Colder in california!!!
2009_12_21_19:24:08.647   098.160.221.xxx   AT Santa Died? (36)
2009_12_21_19:24:19.195   210.049.214.xxx   Later in the evening, put on Jr. Murvin and push the tables back. (15)
2009_12_21_19:24:23.997   075.137.108.xxx   Haircut time!!!
2009_12_21_19:24:27.085   075.073.131.xxx   Habba Babba
2009_12_21_19:24:30.363   076.127.022.xxx   Cool!
2009_12_21_19:24:44.602   098.160.221.xxx   @@ THIS IS A AT SIGN @@ (37)
2009_12_21_19:24:47.558   069.180.210.xxx   my little brother tried to eat a Christmas ornament (59)
2009_12_21_19:24:47.566   074.207.171.xxx   hi =)
2009_12_21_19:24:55.614   075.073.131.xxx   HABBA BABBA
2009_12_21_19:24:55.633   210.049.214.xxx   I'M GONNA MAKE SOME GRAVY (16)
2009_12_21_19:25:15.210   068.150.181.xxx   GRAVY CLAUS (11)
2009_12_21_19:25:29.440   074.207.171.xxx   every one trun off all the lights and deflatebales
2009_12_21_19:25:41.347   075.073.131.xxx   ok
2009_12_21_19:25:46.208   210.049.214.xxx   I'LL BE MAKING PLENTY. I'M GONNA PAY EM ALL BACK (17)
2009_12_21_19:25:58.967   069.180.210.xxx   Chocolate gravvy is good too (60 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_19:25:59.044   098.160.221.xxx   I went to a twit party and talked AT SOMEONE! (38)
2009_12_21_19:26:05.619   075.073.131.xxx   Habba Babba
2009_12_21_19:26:20.591   210.049.214.xxx   Kiss the sleeping children for me on Xmas (18)
2009_12_21_19:26:37.702   069.180.210.xxx   I spelled gravy wrong..lol (61)
2009_12_21_19:26:40.254   075.158.154.xxx   sweet
2009_12_21_19:26:44.647   075.073.131.xxx   HABBA BABBA
2009_12_21_19:26:45.255   098.160.221.xxx   Newbies on the internet don't know it's an @@@ AT SIGN! (39)
2009_12_21_19:26:45.710   068.150.181.xxx   you'd have to pay ___50 (12)
2009_12_21_19:27:11.985   067.187.002.xxx   this is awesome!!
2009_12_21_19:27:18.097   075.073.131.xxx   BA BABBA___
2009_12_21_19:27:24.727   210.049.214.xxx   Just add flour, salt, a bit of red wine and a dollop of tomato sauce (19)
2009_12_21_19:27:48.018   067.187.002.xxx   your mom's a dollop of tomato sauce
2009_12_21_19:27:52.780   075.073.131.xxx   FLUGOOS RULE
2009_12_21_19:27:58.406   012.034.035.xxx   I love all my little chillins'
2009_12_21_19:28:00.681   210.049.214.xxx   Paul Kelly- How to make gravy (20 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_19:28:17.709   069.180.210.xxx   That's not how you make chocolate gravy! (62)
2009_12_21_19:28:31.591   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Number of visitors tends to increase up to Christmas ***ALEK***
2009_12_21_19:28:35.567   067.187.002.xxx   lets get it on, like donkey kong
2009_12_21_19:28:40.721   068.150.181.xxx   gravy on the burrito deer (13)
2009_12_21_19:28:48.535   069.180.210.xxx   lol (63)
2009_12_21_19:28:51.504   075.158.154.xxx   would hate to see your electric bill! But very well done
2009_12_21_19:28:53.025   069.149.122.xxx   Alek, how did you post without being there? GHOST!
2009_12_21_19:29:10.448   075.073.131.xxx   HABBA BABBA
2009_12_21_19:29:14.816   012.034.035.xxx   you mean dear....
2009_12_21_19:29:18.014   077.054.073.xxx   Parabens Dora Silva!
2009_12_21_19:29:35.998   067.187.002.xxx   Type text & CR to see real-time in Santa's Workshop Cam!
2009_12_21_19:29:58.569   070.106.162.xxx   water is wet
2009_12_21_19:30:09.864   077.054.073.xxx   Amo-te Dora!
2009_12_21_19:30:31.965   068.150.181.xxx   the burrito deer was moved this year :( (14)
2009_12_21_19:30:39.362   075.158.154.xxx   Merry Ho Ho
2009_12_21_19:30:40.632   012.034.035.xxx   Happy Birthday to ME!!!
2009_12_21_19:31:09.008   068.150.181.xxx   swap swap (15)
2009_12_21_19:31:11.195   067.187.002.xxx   i see a car!
2009_12_21_19:31:23.980   068.100.072.xxx   DON'T DIE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT, YOU HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR
2009_12_21_19:31:54.276   069.180.210.xxx   Happy birthday to you (64)
2009_12_21_19:31:59.510   068.165.017.xxx   HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
2009_12_21_19:32:35.990   069.180.210.xxx   CAR!!!! (65)
2009_12_21_19:32:39.672   067.187.002.xxx   what is that giant creepy ball in the top right
2009_12_21_19:33:04.371   067.187.002.xxx   lol HO
2009_12_21_19:33:05.508   068.165.017.xxx   why is there a skeleton in this room?
2009_12_21_19:33:10.948   069.180.210.xxx   what?the air ballon? (66)
2009_12_21_19:33:41.966   067.187.002.xxx   ah, hot air balloon, it wasn't lit up, just a creepy shape looming in the backg
2009_12_21_19:33:47.133   068.165.017.xxx   srsly .. the skeleton is creepy.
2009_12_21_19:33:53.450   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Electricity costs are just a couple of bucks a day - worth it?!? ***ALEK***
2009_12_21_19:33:54.289   068.100.072.xxx   SANTA NO DON'T HANG YOURSELF
2009_12_21_19:34:16.846   067.187.002.xxx   AHH MOTHERLAND!!
2009_12_21_19:34:34.753   071.205.019.xxx   Hey Mom!
2009_12_21_19:34:50.887   069.180.210.xxx   Hey, anyone remember the singing fish? (67)
2009_12_21_19:34:58.719   068.150.181.xxx   oh my GOD!! THE WHOLE YARD?? ON FIRE! (16)
2009_12_21_19:35:00.865   098.160.221.xxx   DER HOMELAND! YES DET IS! (40 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_19:35:25.840   069.180.210.xxx   Don't worry, be happy!!!! (68)
2009_12_21_19:35:28.860   068.109.067.xxx   I LOVE WALL DRUG!
2009_12_21_19:36:03.833   067.187.002.xxx   ____________________________________ (10 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_19:36:12.137   068.150.181.xxx   the roof the roof the roof is on fire! (17)
2009_12_21_19:36:20.362   069.180.210.xxx   fish! (69)
2009_12_21_19:36:34.629   098.030.126.xxx   ho ho ho
2009_12_21_19:36:56.868   098.213.072.xxx   Turn everything on!
2009_12_21_19:37:18.379   068.165.017.xxx   does the skeleton talk???
2009_12_21_19:37:25.282   068.100.072.xxx   SANTA CALL THE SUICIDE HOTLINE, NOTHING IS WORTH IT
2009_12_21_19:37:26.475   069.180.210.xxx   woo hoo!!! only 4 more days! (70 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_19:37:55.406   098.213.072.xxx   OFF!!! now
2009_12_21_19:38:43.423   071.048.190.xxx   Hi there world!
2009_12_21_19:39:01.507   070.187.140.xxx   Epic setup, thnx for sharing.
2009_12_21_19:39:17.228   068.150.181.xxx   I want Christmas to be as long as Hannukah1 (18)
2009_12_21_19:39:50.696   068.165.017.xxx   where's the misteltoe?
2009_12_21_19:41:03.507   068.150.181.xxx   ok EVERYONE?!?!?  lets see how long we can (19)
2009_12_21_19:41:29.657   068.150.181.xxx   keep all the lights off for!!! (20 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_19:42:30.644   068.150.181.xxx   NO!! LIGHTS OFF!!! (21)
2009_12_21_19:43:19.091   204.187.150.xxx   ho ho ho
2009_12_21_19:43:59.184   068.150.181.xxx   why won't those go off? (22)
2009_12_21_19:45:03.346   204.187.150.xxx   leafs s****
2009_12_21_19:45:22.342   081.191.000.xxx   God Jul ______, (Heia Reidar :P)
2009_12_21_19:45:35.749   068.150.181.xxx   yes leave do play bad.. (23)
2009_12_21_19:46:25.281   071.171.132.xxx   Jingle Bells!
2009_12_21_19:47:04.495   081.191.003.xxx   God Jul Aleks! ______
2009_12_21_19:47:20.007   069.180.210.xxx   I'm dreaming of a white Christmas!! (71)
2009_12_21_19:47:52.664   068.150.181.xxx   Polka Dot Christmas in the day (24)
2009_12_21_19:48:24.368   068.150.181.xxx   ok we need to break the single day record for texts (25)
2009_12_21_19:48:44.110   069.180.210.xxx   ok! (72)
2009_12_21_19:49:08.357   072.040.027.xxx   Merry Christmas to everyone from Merritt Island, FL
2009_12_21_19:49:14.106   069.180.210.xxx   what's the record? (73)
2009_12_21_19:49:49.909   068.150.181.xxx   23,989 (26)
2009_12_21_19:50:16.429   068.165.017.xxx   42!
2009_12_21_19:50:23.328   069.180.210.xxx   we got 2 hours...we better get busy then (74)
2009_12_21_19:50:39.437   068.150.181.xxx   ok everyone, type texts.. non-stop!! :) (27)
2009_12_21_19:50:54.585   069.180.210.xxx   ok, I like food! (75)
2009_12_21_19:50:56.397   068.165.017.xxx   blah blah blah
2009_12_21_19:51:10.057   068.150.181.xxx   Christmas rocks (28)
2009_12_21_19:51:27.842   069.180.210.xxx   so does kfc (76)
2009_12_21_19:51:36.967   068.165.017.xxx   supercalifrigilisticexpealidotious
2009_12_21_19:51:44.979   068.150.181.xxx   I live in Cleveland Ohio.. high in the middle.. (29)
2009_12_21_19:51:56.792   069.180.210.xxx   and singing fish (77)
2009_12_21_19:52:05.151   068.165.017.xxx   God bless us all!
2009_12_21_19:52:14.933   068.150.181.xxx   and round on both ends! O hi O yuck yuck (30 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_19:52:39.019   069.180.210.xxx   Candy canes! woo hoo! (78)
2009_12_21_19:52:44.956   068.165.017.xxx   srsly remove the skeleton (10 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_19:52:52.312   068.150.181.xxx   Trees and lights. (keep typing) (31)
2009_12_21_19:53:20.380   069.180.210.xxx   lions,tigers, & bears oh my (79)
2009_12_21_19:53:24.894   068.150.181.xxx   wizard of oz says Pay No attention to the man (32)
2009_12_21_19:53:34.364   068.165.017.xxx   I want the hulk to smash something! (11)
2009_12_21_19:53:53.854   068.150.181.xxx   Hulk get no play at night from Wife! (33)
2009_12_21_19:54:21.432   068.150.181.xxx   Clock go round (34)
2009_12_21_19:54:35.801   069.180.210.xxx   Who likes going to Wal-mart? (80 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_19:54:42.008   072.040.027.xxx   This is very cool!
2009_12_21_19:54:48.714   071.215.084.xxx   Don't make the HULK angry ... or frustrated!
2009_12_21_19:54:49.616   068.150.181.xxx   I do I dO!  Walmart cheap (35)
2009_12_21_19:55:15.744   072.040.027.xxx   I don't like Walmart!
2009_12_21_19:55:19.921   068.150.181.xxx   ok people, we have a long way to go, keep typing (36)
2009_12_21_19:55:45.988   068.165.017.xxx   i'm watching the Mummy right now (12)
2009_12_21_19:55:47.546   069.180.210.xxx   for some reason I love going..even if I don't buy anything (81)
2009_12_21_19:55:49.770   068.150.181.xxx   that present looks so green! (37)
2009_12_21_19:55:53.158   072.040.027.xxx   What record are we trying to break?
2009_12_21_19:56:24.860   068.150.181.xxx   highest texts in a single night. 23,989 (38)
2009_12_21_19:56:31.777   069.180.210.xxx   the amount of texts we send...like we are doing now (82)
2009_12_21_19:56:55.304   072.040.027.xxx   Gotcha and thanks!  I'm in!
2009_12_21_19:56:57.981   069.180.210.xxx   we got a lot (83)
2009_12_21_19:57:13.764   068.150.181.xxx   this record was set in 2006 so we gotta work (39)
2009_12_21_19:57:39.272   069.180.210.xxx   FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 (84)
2009_12_21_19:57:39.331   068.150.181.xxx   it is fun (40 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_19:57:54.911   072.040.027.xxx   Just finishes watching Sing-Off.  My fave didn't win.
2009_12_21_19:58:19.733   068.150.181.xxx   oh well.. (41)
2009_12_21_19:58:35.556   069.180.210.xxx   SINGING FISH ARE AWESOME!!! DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY!!! (85)
2009_12_21_19:58:49.739   068.150.181.xxx   oompa oompa (42)
2009_12_21_19:58:50.318   072.040.027.xxx   Yeah, but the winner was good, so no worries.
2009_12_21_19:59:09.820   069.180.210.xxx   Let's break the record (86)
2009_12_21_19:59:16.065   068.150.181.xxx   never watched any of it (43)
2009_12_21_19:59:40.438   072.040.027.xxx   It was pretty good, especially if you like Glee.
2009_12_21_19:59:44.770   068.150.181.xxx   great hockey game on (44)
2009_12_21_19:59:49.631   069.180.210.xxx   I am hyper...too many candy canes! mmm (87)
2009_12_21_20:00:13.039   072.040.027.xxx   Yum!  Candy canes!
2009_12_21_20:00:13.445   068.150.181.xxx   then you should be easily able to type 6000 times (45)
2009_12_21_20:00:39.110   069.180.210.xxx   got nothing better to do (88)
2009_12_21_20:00:50.734   068.150.181.xxx   im trying to figure how he managed 24,000 texts (46)
2009_12_21_20:00:55.998   072.040.027.xxx   Small town, nothing to do. (10 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:01:29.181   068.150.181.xxx   nope.. small towns (47)
2009_12_21_20:01:29.333   206.248.172.xxx   hello
2009_12_21_20:01:36.091   069.180.210.xxx   ha ha small southern town...you sit back,take a nap, & watch football (89)
2009_12_21_20:01:53.147   068.150.181.xxx   fun fun (48)
2009_12_21_20:01:54.578   206.248.172.xxx   p****
2009_12_21_20:01:59.254   072.040.027.xxx   How true, how true. (11)
2009_12_21_20:02:09.456   069.180.210.xxx   family friendly please (90 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:02:27.885   076.021.064.xxx   This is awesome.
2009_12_21_20:02:28.076   206.248.172.xxx   Nah...
2009_12_21_20:02:40.908   072.040.027.xxx   Anyone have more candy canes?  :-) (12)
2009_12_21_20:02:58.200   068.150.181.xxx   ya no swearing.. but type a lot! (49)
2009_12_21_20:02:59.342   069.180.210.xxx   yup (91)
2009_12_21_20:03:02.126   066.168.021.xxx   Shop LINK DELETED for great wall art
2009_12_21_20:03:07.844   206.248.172.xxx   alright.. it is christmas and all... Merry Christmas!
2009_12_21_20:03:23.929   068.150.181.xxx   type type type type (50 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:03:30.443   069.180.210.xxx   Happy Christmas & Merry New Year (92)
2009_12_21_20:03:33.058   076.021.064.xxx   Happy Halloween! Oh, wait...
2009_12_21_20:03:34.720   072.040.027.xxx   I'm typing as fast as I can! (13)
2009_12_21_20:03:41.783   066.168.021.xxx   Shop www Flair4All com for great wall art
2009_12_21_20:03:49.571   068.150.181.xxx   that was 40 days ago! :D (51)
2009_12_21_20:03:56.325   206.248.172.xxx   This is pretty crazy...
2009_12_21_20:03:57.781   069.180.210.xxx   my little brother tried to eat a Christmas ornament (93)
2009_12_21_20:04:08.457   066.168.021.xxx   Shop www Flair4All com for great wall art
2009_12_21_20:04:13.818   072.040.027.xxx   Does everyone have their Christmas shopping done? (14)
2009_12_21_20:04:13.927   068.150.181.xxx   yeah we know (52)
2009_12_21_20:04:31.537   206.248.172.xxx   Umm... you are NUTS!
2009_12_21_20:04:40.340   068.150.181.xxx   Websites get deleted you know (53)
2009_12_21_20:04:40.627   066.168.021.xxx   Shop       www Flair4All com for great wall art
2009_12_21_20:04:46.807   069.180.210.xxx   I get that a lot (94)
2009_12_21_20:04:49.138   072.040.027.xxx   Does everyone have their Christmas shopping done? (15)
2009_12_21_20:05:04.436   206.248.172.xxx   Hi... and you are High.
2009_12_21_20:05:15.871   068.150.181.xxx   that website doesn't show you know... (54)
2009_12_21_20:05:16.513   066.168.021.xxx   Shop www Flair4All com for great wall art
2009_12_21_20:05:33.910   072.040.027.xxx   What is it with this ad? (16)
2009_12_21_20:05:45.535   069.180.210.xxx   who knows (95)
2009_12_21_20:05:47.497   068.150.181.xxx   it's just spam crap (55)
2009_12_21_20:05:59.385   066.168.021.xxx   Have you checked out www Flair4All com yet?
2009_12_21_20:06:11.585   206.248.172.xxx   Never shop there, they will steal all your money.  It's a huge scam.
2009_12_21_20:06:14.504   068.150.181.xxx   buddy, give it up!  it won't show (56)
2009_12_21_20:06:15.842   072.040.027.xxx   Don't they know we're trying to break a record?! (17)
2009_12_21_20:06:25.544   069.180.210.xxx   no thanks! I don't want Spam I eat SPAM (96)
2009_12_21_20:06:34.600   066.168.021.xxx   Not just spam crap.  Great wall art at www Flair4All com
2009_12_21_20:06:42.065   068.150.181.xxx   ya.. break a record, without spam (57)
2009_12_21_20:06:54.420   206.248.172.xxx   Flair4all will steal your credit!!!
2009_12_21_20:07:03.542   072.040.027.xxx   Spam, spam, spam, spam! Courtesy Monty Python (18)
2009_12_21_20:07:08.838   066.168.021.xxx   Redecorate your room at www Flair4All com
2009_12_21_20:07:11.574   068.150.181.xxx   the website doesn't show here. so stop (58)
2009_12_21_20:07:18.904   070.112.215.xxx   Live long and prosper
2009_12_21_20:07:23.144   069.021.041.xxx   Merry CHRISTmas!!
2009_12_21_20:07:30.896   072.040.027.xxx   Spam, spam, spam, spam! Courtesy Monty Python (19)
2009_12_21_20:07:44.119   068.150.181.xxx   HE SCORESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (59)
2009_12_21_20:07:52.851   206.248.172.xxx   how much did all this cost you? (10 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:07:52.710   071.186.205.xxx   spam tastes good
2009_12_21_20:07:53.933   066.168.021.xxx   Np spam art, just great wall decals at www Flair4All com
2009_12_21_20:08:06.788   069.180.210.xxx   no thanks! (97)
2009_12_21_20:08:12.511   068.150.181.xxx   you don't get it, that site won't show.. (60 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:08:13.805   070.112.215.xxx   nice
2009_12_21_20:08:18.368   156.034.193.xxx   NO LINKS ALLOWED
2009_12_21_20:08:29.746   072.040.027.xxx   No more ads, please. (20 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:08:30.601   066.168.021.xxx   a**een in Seventeen magazine.  www Flair4All com (10 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:08:33.944   206.248.172.xxx   I love bacon! (11)
2009_12_21_20:08:40.018   068.150.181.xxx   EXACTLY!! so STOP!!! (61)
2009_12_21_20:08:58.162   072.040.027.xxx   No more ads, please. (21)
2009_12_21_20:09:01.461   206.248.172.xxx   It's delicious! (12)
2009_12_21_20:09:02.051   069.180.210.xxx   I decorate my wall with paint & pictures..THAT'S IT (98)
2009_12_21_20:09:20.128   066.168.021.xxx   Why stop, when you can shop?  www Flair4All com (11)
2009_12_21_20:09:22.104   068.150.181.xxx   so what, stop advertising that site (62)
2009_12_21_20:09:27.372   072.040.027.xxx   No more ads, please. (22)
2009_12_21_20:09:41.502   207.047.138.xxx   This is too cool.  Great job!
2009_12_21_20:09:56.274   066.168.021.xxx   First person who said, "please," so I'll stop. (12)
2009_12_21_20:09:56.881   069.180.210.xxx   I hope it snows (99)
2009_12_21_20:09:57.859   068.150.181.xxx   what part of STOP don't you get?? (63)
2009_12_21_20:10:00.607   206.248.172.xxx   It looks like Christmas barfed on your entire house. (13)
2009_12_21_20:10:07.232   072.040.027.xxx   How many texts have been recorded today? (23)
2009_12_21_20:10:40.917   206.248.172.xxx   Peace to all of you! (14)
2009_12_21_20:10:41.754   068.150.181.xxx   1,221 so far (64)
2009_12_21_20:10:47.761   066.168.021.xxx   3 (13)
2009_12_21_20:11:00.971   072.040.027.xxx   Man!  We do have a long way to go. (24)
2009_12_21_20:11:01.619   069.180.210.xxx   2 (100 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:11:17.685   068.150.181.xxx   just keep typing, just keep typing (65)
2009_12_21_20:11:17.923   206.248.172.xxx   And to all a good night! (15)
2009_12_21_20:11:32.727   072.040.027.xxx   Man!  We do have a long way to go. (25)
2009_12_21_20:11:39.575   069.225.005.xxx   YO!
2009_12_21_20:11:42.910   206.248.172.xxx   3 (16)
2009_12_21_20:12:05.254   206.248.172.xxx   4 (17)
2009_12_21_20:12:06.577   068.150.181.xxx   ya that's cause we didn't start early.. and we need more people (66)
2009_12_21_20:12:08.258   069.180.210.xxx   Holy Macaroni! that scared the fire outa me! (101)
2009_12_21_20:12:23.194   066.168.021.xxx   Nice beer ad. (14)
2009_12_21_20:12:42.331   072.040.027.xxx   Well, we'll just have to log as many as possible 2nite. (26)
2009_12_21_20:12:42.500   206.248.172.xxx   What are you talking about?  What record? (18)
2009_12_21_20:12:53.944   068.150.181.xxx   single day text record of 23,989 (67)
2009_12_21_20:12:56.298   066.168.021.xxx   Rainer Beer for all your mountain beer needs. (15)
2009_12_21_20:13:01.261   069.180.210.xxx   The hulk popped up on the screen & I about fell out of my chair (102)
2009_12_21_20:13:12.272   072.040.027.xxx   Well, we'll just have to log as many as possible 2nite. (27)
2009_12_21_20:13:26.346   069.180.210.xxx   yup (103)
2009_12_21_20:13:29.042   068.150.181.xxx   it happened on Dec 24th, 2006.. so that's a reason (68)
2009_12_21_20:13:39.181   206.248.172.xxx   alright then.    p**** (19)
2009_12_21_20:13:44.939   066.168.021.xxx   When you said Pumpkin Jack, I was hoping for Nightmare Before Christmas (16)
2009_12_21_20:13:57.173   068.150.181.xxx   doo dooo (69)
2009_12_21_20:14:08.509   072.040.027.xxx   I saw the Hulk, too. Made me jump! (28)
2009_12_21_20:14:08.619   069.180.210.xxx   I'm bored (104)
2009_12_21_20:14:10.601   206.248.172.xxx   p**** (20 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:14:28.632   066.168.021.xxx   Okay, one more time, since you're bored. www Flair4All com (17)
2009_12_21_20:14:35.645   068.150.181.xxx   stop with the potty mouth (70 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:14:38.287   069.180.210.xxx   oh, please no (105)
2009_12_21_20:14:45.553   072.040.027.xxx   I saw the Hulk, too. Made me jump! (29)
2009_12_21_20:14:46.270   071.072.039.xxx   Happy Holidays to all.!!
2009_12_21_20:14:54.786   206.248.172.xxx   Pennis (21)
2009_12_21_20:15:06.856   068.150.181.xxx   quit.. you're not cool, immature brat (71)
2009_12_21_20:15:15.817   072.040.027.xxx   I saw the Hulk, too. Made me jump! (30 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:15:23.877   065.174.028.xxx   Merry XMAS  FROM THE SANTOROS
2009_12_21_20:15:24.670   206.248.172.xxx   p**nis (22)
2009_12_21_20:15:30.382   066.168.021.xxx   Why do you only have two "HO's?"  Doesn't Hostess have a tardemark on HO HO's? (18)
2009_12_21_20:15:37.600   069.180.210.xxx   please no swearing (106)
2009_12_21_20:15:40.946   068.150.181.xxx   give it a rest moron... (72)
2009_12_21_20:16:08.540   206.248.172.xxx   p**nis is not a swear. (23)
2009_12_21_20:16:15.621   065.174.028.xxx   SANTORO FEARS DETKY
2009_12_21_20:16:41.775   206.248.172.xxx   c*** (24)
2009_12_21_20:16:58.957   068.150.181.xxx   what, are you 2?? (73)
2009_12_21_20:17:06.652   069.180.210.xxx   pie (107)
2009_12_21_20:17:13.295   206.248.172.xxx   3 (25)
2009_12_21_20:17:23.021   174.059.199.xxx   Hello from PA
2009_12_21_20:17:13.334   065.242.123.xxx   FRANK ROLLISTER WISHES KC A MERRY XMAS
2009_12_21_20:17:29.431   068.150.181.xxx   grow up already (74)
2009_12_21_20:17:45.311   069.180.210.xxx   My brother is 2...has much better manners (108)
2009_12_21_20:17:54.621   206.248.172.xxx   ok.. since you asked nicely (26)
2009_12_21_20:17:53.551   065.242.123.xxx   STEVE CALLED ME USELESS THEN I GOT FIRED
2009_12_21_20:18:41.197   069.180.210.xxx   Merry Christmas Ya'll! (109)
2009_12_21_20:18:33.455   065.242.123.xxx   FACT OF THE MATTER
2009_12_21_20:18:53.835   065.174.028.xxx   LMKCAO
2009_12_21_20:19:07.003   072.040.027.xxx   Sorry you got fired. (31)
2009_12_21_20:19:26.730   065.174.028.xxx   TIGER WOODS AND SANTA WHAT DONT THEY HAVE IN COMMON
2009_12_21_20:19:28.596   065.242.123.xxx   YEAH THEY DIDNT WANNA LISTEN
2009_12_21_20:20:03.633   206.248.172.xxx   nnn (27)
2009_12_21_20:20:18.401   072.040.027.xxx   Not fun to get fired, specially at Christmastime. (32)
2009_12_21_20:20:30.794   065.174.028.xxx   SANTORO HAD TO THROW ME UNDER THE BUS
2009_12_21_20:20:34.668   206.248.172.xxx   D1ck (28)
2009_12_21_20:20:59.777   072.040.027.xxx   and Jane (33)
2009_12_21_20:21:00.465   065.174.028.xxx   STEVE WAS A ENIGMA
2009_12_21_20:21:06.122   206.248.172.xxx   d*** (29)
2009_12_21_20:21:32.949   069.132.217.xxx   nello world
2009_12_21_20:21:39.729   069.180.210.xxx   i'm going to go get something eat..tired of the swearing (110 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:21:42.067   071.072.039.xxx   MBP
2009_12_21_20:21:44.694   206.248.172.xxx   How come, when I type my name it puts stars up? (30 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:21:49.499   065.242.123.xxx   STEVE WAS A ENIGMA
2009_12_21_20:22:01.276   069.149.122.xxx   Your name is a naughty word
2009_12_21_20:22:14.037   066.168.021.xxx   Because you can't say d*** on this. (19)
2009_12_21_20:22:18.202   072.133.236.xxx   this is so cool!
2009_12_21_20:22:21.239   174.059.199.xxx   merry xmas everybody
2009_12_21_20:22:35.699   206.248.172.xxx   that's not cool.   My name is d*** d*** it. (31)
2009_12_21_20:22:40.189   072.040.027.xxx   What made steve and enigma? (34)
2009_12_21_20:22:43.910   066.168.021.xxx   No naughty words, like d***. (20 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:23:00.440   068.047.014.xxx   Clemson Tigers are the s***
2009_12_21_20:23:07.168   174.059.199.xxx   man, what is your eletric bill? lmao
2009_12_21_20:23:10.984   065.174.028.xxx   i can never find steve
2009_12_21_20:23:21.540   206.248.172.xxx   I guess you can call me Richard then. (32)
2009_12_21_20:23:23.563   066.168.021.xxx   or d_1_c_k (21)
2009_12_21_20:23:29.641   072.040.027.xxx   Maybe Steve should get fired. (35)
2009_12_21_20:23:31.430   068.047.014.xxx   You are ghey
2009_12_21_20:23:48.379   067.071.040.xxx   what the heck is this?
2009_12_21_20:23:49.644   206.248.172.xxx   newfag is a f*** (33)
2009_12_21_20:24:01.123   072.040.027.xxx   Maybe Steve should get fired. (36)
2009_12_21_20:24:04.469   066.168.021.xxx   This display is impressive. (22)
2009_12_21_20:24:09.390   069.132.217.xxx   hey kayla
2009_12_21_20:24:15.881   068.047.014.xxx   My name is Dougie
2009_12_21_20:24:45.210   065.174.028.xxx   my name is luca i live on 2nd floor
2009_12_21_20:24:54.493   072.040.027.xxx   Hi Dougie! (37)
2009_12_21_20:25:03.469   066.168.021.xxx   keep it down up there, Luca (23)
2009_12_21_20:25:10.898   174.059.199.xxx   a free year of kfc..thats a lotta chicken
2009_12_21_20:25:26.442   072.040.027.xxx   Luca, 2nd floor, LOL! (38)
2009_12_21_20:25:22.856   065.242.123.xxx   i live upstairs from you
2009_12_21_20:25:33.876   066.168.021.xxx   Not really, I can only eat KFC abotu once a year. (24)
2009_12_21_20:25:45.224   071.072.039.xxx   Happy Holidays to all.!!
2009_12_21_20:25:57.518   065.174.028.xxx   i live upstairs from you
2009_12_21_20:26:01.930   072.040.027.xxx   And a Happy New Year (39)
2009_12_21_20:26:07.309   072.133.236.xxx   hey
2009_12_21_20:26:24.729   066.168.021.xxx   This page should be displayed on "How not to design a website." (25)
2009_12_21_20:26:29.352   072.040.027.xxx   Hey what? (40 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:26:29.844   065.174.028.xxx   My name is MUDD (10 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:26:44.722   072.133.236.xxx   big floppy toast says treat never keep keep
2009_12_21_20:27:07.906   072.040.027.xxx   My name is often MUDD, too. (41)
2009_12_21_20:27:15.811   066.168.021.xxx   One mroe time before I leave.   www Flair4All com for great wall art. (26)
2009_12_21_20:27:42.451   069.132.217.xxx   ho ho ho h o
2009_12_21_20:30:01.924   071.072.039.xxx   Love + Peace in 2k10..  :D
2009_12_21_20:30:18.526   069.180.210.xxx   back!!! (111)
2009_12_21_20:30:35.549   064.141.096.xxx   Merry Christmas all!
2009_12_21_20:30:56.943   072.040.027.xxx   Where have ya been? (42)
2009_12_21_20:31:00.091   173.027.136.xxx   Aziz, Light!
2009_12_21_20:31:36.667   071.063.166.xxx   This is really cool!
2009_12_21_20:31:40.970   173.027.136.xxx   Aziz, Light!
2009_12_21_20:32:02.150   072.040.027.xxx   Love all the decorations and lights! (43)
2009_12_21_20:32:31.160   076.021.064.xxx   Hi, person in the background.
2009_12_21_20:32:41.372   072.040.027.xxx   Hey!  Someone's in the picture! (44)
2009_12_21_20:32:46.271   071.063.166.xxx   Holy! Way too uber!
2009_12_21_20:32:56.335   069.180.210.xxx   we're trying to beat the record (112)
2009_12_21_20:33:15.894   072.040.027.xxx   What's that guy doing in there? (45)
2009_12_21_20:33:24.168   069.180.210.xxx   that's Alek (113)
2009_12_21_20:33:43.794   072.040.027.xxx   Hi Alek!! (46)
2009_12_21_20:34:08.248   069.180.210.xxx   We all still going for the record? (114)
2009_12_21_20:34:21.508   072.040.027.xxx   I think he's ignoring us. (47)
2009_12_21_20:34:44.025   069.180.210.xxx   He doesn't reply very often (115)
2009_12_21_20:34:55.666   076.021.064.xxx   63743___
2009_12_21_20:34:57.370   072.040.027.xxx   Alek!  Wave to us! (48)
2009_12_21_20:35:35.656   072.040.027.xxx   Alek, please say hello! (49)
2009_12_21_20:36:17.680   069.180.210.xxx   please? (116)
2009_12_21_20:36:25.885   076.021.064.xxx   Happy Chrismahanukwanzakah!
2009_12_21_20:36:34.718   072.040.027.xxx   Alek, Alek, Alek!  Please say hello! (50 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:36:36.319   075.185.207.xxx   This is insane.
2009_12_21_20:36:59.746   069.180.210.xxx   But*** awesome insaness (117)
2009_12_21_20:37:36.150   072.040.027.xxx   Definitely fun insanity! (51)
2009_12_21_20:37:40.468   069.180.210.xxx   sorry, forgot the filter is extremely sensitive (118)
2009_12_21_20:38:11.076   072.040.027.xxx   I wish Alek would say hello! (52)
2009_12_21_20:38:19.306   069.180.210.xxx   Yes, being insane is very fun! (119)
2009_12_21_20:38:49.040   072.040.027.xxx   I've been insane most of my life (in a good way)! (53)
2009_12_21_20:38:51.744   069.180.210.xxx   Say hello Alek! Please? (120 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:39:22.047   072.040.027.xxx   Alek, Alek, Alek!  Please say hello! (54)
2009_12_21_20:39:36.232   071.072.039.xxx   Happy Holidays to one and all.!
2009_12_21_20:39:53.960   072.040.027.xxx   A little wave or something, Alek! (55)
2009_12_21_20:39:55.379   069.180.210.xxx   Yup, everyone at school says I'm crazy (121)
2009_12_21_20:40:10.180   166.205.139.xxx   Merry Xmas from So. California.
2009_12_21_20:40:21.818   072.040.027.xxx   A little wave or something, Alek! (56)
2009_12_21_20:41:24.108   072.040.027.xxx   YAY!!  ALek waved at us! (57)
2009_12_21_20:41:31.753   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** How is this for a wave?!? ***ALEK***
2009_12_21_20:41:44.172   069.180.210.xxx   It's good! (122)
2009_12_21_20:42:07.620   072.040.027.xxx   Thanks, Alek!  Merry Christmas! (58)
2009_12_21_20:42:38.296   069.180.210.xxx   I don't think we're going to break the record (123)
2009_12_21_20:42:59.480   072.040.027.xxx   I don't think we're going to break the record either (59)
2009_12_21_20:43:23.472   072.040.027.xxx   But Alek waved, and that was way cool! (60 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:43:35.345   069.180.210.xxx   Oh goodness Alek!!You scared the fire out of me!!!!!!!! (124)
2009_12_21_20:44:21.762   072.040.027.xxx   Love the Hulk! (61)
2009_12_21_20:44:30.412   069.180.210.xxx   yeah he did wave...& then scared the living daylights out of us (125)
2009_12_21_20:44:51.111   072.040.027.xxx   Alek rocks! (62)
2009_12_21_20:45:29.377   068.150.181.xxx   ok how's it going? :) (75)
2009_12_21_20:46:04.275   072.040.027.xxx   Things here are okay?  You? (63)
2009_12_21_20:46:35.520   068.150.181.xxx   we just have to try to get as many as we can tonight (76)
2009_12_21_20:46:53.430   072.040.027.xxx   I'm working on it! (64)
2009_12_21_20:48:26.540   069.180.210.xxx   I'm doing good. I got to find a good author that has written 3 bks (126)
2009_12_21_20:48:48.606   068.150.181.xxx   and I don't think 1221 was the #.. it's been like that fora while now (77)
2009_12_21_20:49:28.998   069.180.210.xxx   OH     12/21!!! 21st of December (127)
2009_12_21_20:49:49.595   173.070.133.xxx   hi
2009_12_21_20:50:05.394   069.180.210.xxx   hi (128)
2009_12_21_20:50:11.701   072.040.027.xxx   Do you have your Christmas shopping done? (65)
2009_12_21_20:50:40.869   069.136.221.xxx   Santa Smash!!
2009_12_21_20:50:49.781   068.150.181.xxx   here comes Santa Paws (78)
2009_12_21_20:51:31.139   069.149.122.xxx   I do
2009_12_21_20:51:38.341   068.150.181.xxx   there I am afraid is no way to find out what*** at (79)
2009_12_21_20:51:44.073   069.180.210.xxx   that's a good book (129)
2009_12_21_20:52:40.974   068.150.181.xxx   ok game time :) (80 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:52:53.925   072.040.027.xxx   I have my shopping done___ thank goodness! (66)
2009_12_21_20:53:15.320   069.136.221.xxx   The Gang Controls The Lights
2009_12_21_20:53:23.241   072.040.027.xxx   What game? (67)
2009_12_21_20:53:23.727   068.150.181.xxx   I saw Daddy kissing Santa Claus... (81)
2009_12_21_20:53:51.211   072.040.027.xxx   What game? (68)
2009_12_21_20:54:07.284   068.150.181.xxx   I Spy (82)
2009_12_21_20:54:11.378   069.180.210.xxx   TWISTER (130 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:54:23.752   069.136.221.xxx   You do not want to know what I saw...
2009_12_21_20:54:25.972   069.149.122.xxx   A wild Alek appears!
2009_12_21_20:54:41.514   069.180.210.xxx   AHHH RUN!!!!!!!!!!!! (131)
2009_12_21_20:54:45.137   068.150.181.xxx   I spy with my little Eye.. something that is RED (83)
2009_12_21_20:54:58.995   069.136.221.xxx   The Gang Controls The Lights
2009_12_21_20:55:05.228   069.180.210.xxx   clock (132)
2009_12_21_20:55:17.760   068.150.181.xxx   NICE JOB! :) correct (84)
2009_12_21_20:56:01.276   069.180.210.xxx   woo hoo...I spy something that is green (133)
2009_12_21_20:56:22.341   072.040.027.xxx   The gift box (69)
2009_12_21_20:56:22.527   068.150.181.xxx   the tree next to Rainer (85)
2009_12_21_20:56:28.328   024.210.121.xxx   Screwby
2009_12_21_20:56:38.188   069.180.210.xxx   nope (134)
2009_12_21_20:56:55.377   072.040.027.xxx   The tree (70 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_20:56:58.486   024.210.121.xxx   Look at the g** Guy Sitting Here
2009_12_21_20:57:20.808   068.150.181.xxx   grow up 24 210 121 (86)
2009_12_21_20:57:26.262   024.210.121.xxx   oops, dident pay the power bill
2009_12_21_20:57:29.241   071.008.242.xxx   Hello Lavish!
2009_12_21_20:57:31.929   069.180.210.xxx   yes (135)
2009_12_21_20:57:49.850   072.040.027.xxx   That's Alek!  He's back!  Maybe h**** wave again! (71)
2009_12_21_20:58:03.420   069.180.210.xxx   possible (136)
2009_12_21_20:58:20.995   024.210.121.xxx   pay your light bill
2009_12_21_20:58:25.751   072.040.027.xxx   Hi again, Alek!!  Hi! (72)
2009_12_21_20:58:40.295   069.180.210.xxx   got it figured out yet? (137)
2009_12_21_20:59:09.498   024.210.121.xxx   got a permit for all those lights
2009_12_21_20:59:11.376   068.150.181.xxx   The vox? (87)
2009_12_21_20:59:40.986   072.040.027.xxx   The "A" in front of Merry? (73)
2009_12_21_20:59:43.556   068.150.181.xxx   er.. box? (88)
2009_12_21_20:59:48.121   024.210.121.xxx   no pay light bill, no lights
2009_12_21_21:00:27.395   069.180.210.xxx   What A? (138)
2009_12_21_21:00:28.150   068.150.181.xxx   time is running short...... (89)
2009_12_21_21:00:31.061   222.153.085.xxx   hi jonathan
2009_12_21_21:00:38.910   072.040.027.xxx   Alek?  You still there? (74)
2009_12_21_21:00:45.104   071.008.242.xxx   ___3 Jeremy
2009_12_21_21:00:59.171   069.180.210.xxx   give up yet? (139)
2009_12_21_21:01:09.202   068.150.181.xxx   did anyone guess yet?? (90 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:01:31.691   069.180.210.xxx   no one has said it... (140 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:01:39.820   222.153.085.xxx   Hi Thomas and Linda
2009_12_21_21:01:47.752   068.150.181.xxx   the HO? (91)
2009_12_21_21:02:09.724   069.180.210.xxx   no, it's in the office (141)
2009_12_21_21:02:13.797   068.150.181.xxx   The Hulk? (92)
2009_12_21_21:02:33.653   072.213.171.xxx   cool beans
2009_12_21_21:02:34.645   069.180.210.xxx   nope (142)
2009_12_21_21:02:53.766   068.150.181.xxx   that thing under the Rainier sign? (93)
2009_12_21_21:03:12.958   069.180.210.xxx   YES!!! the lava lamp (143)
2009_12_21_21:03:44.483   068.150.181.xxx   yay (94)
2009_12_21_21:04:09.619   071.008.242.xxx   Will you marry me?
2009_12_21_21:04:17.883   068.150.181.xxx   ok I spy with me eye.. something White! :) (95)
2009_12_21_21:04:39.478   207.179.002.xxx   enjoying the first day of winter in South Bend,In
2009_12_21_21:04:40.654   069.180.210.xxx   The text! (144)
2009_12_21_21:04:47.791   068.150.181.xxx   a hahahahahah (96)
2009_12_21_21:04:58.653   072.213.171.xxx   sweet
2009_12_21_21:05:19.738   068.150.181.xxx   not the text no (97)
2009_12_21_21:05:53.742   068.150.181.xxx   more guesses (98)
2009_12_21_21:05:55.954   069.180.210.xxx   oh well...Burrito Reindeer? (145)
2009_12_21_21:06:11.363   072.213.171.xxx   i would hate to see the electric bill... hopefully they don't have comcast and 
2009_12_21_21:06:18.524   068.150.181.xxx   nope (99)
2009_12_21_21:07:02.203   069.180.210.xxx   sidewalk stuff? (146)
2009_12_21_21:07:11.518   068.150.181.xxx   nope :_ (100 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:07:44.936   068.150.181.xxx   hint*** not lit right now (101)
2009_12_21_21:07:46.177   069.180.210.xxx   Come on people...will someone else guess..i done went (147)
2009_12_21_21:08:13.008   068.150.181.xxx   hint, it is not lit (102)
2009_12_21_21:08:13.758   069.180.210.xxx   Frosty family (148)
2009_12_21_21:08:37.620   068.150.181.xxx   BINGO (103)
2009_12_21_21:08:49.502   072.040.027.xxx   The tree next to the gift box? (75)
2009_12_21_21:09:15.821   068.150.181.xxx   it was the Frosty Family.. (104)
2009_12_21_21:09:19.092   069.180.210.xxx   Someone else want to go?I just went (149)
2009_12_21_21:09:57.417   072.040.027.xxx   I spy something white. (76)
2009_12_21_21:10:00.069   069.180.210.xxx   anyone? (150 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:10:23.559   068.150.181.xxx   come on people :) (105)
2009_12_21_21:10:32.463   072.040.027.xxx   I spy something white. (77)
2009_12_21_21:10:43.604   069.180.210.xxx   The text! (151)
2009_12_21_21:10:59.837   072.040.027.xxx   Nope, not the text. (78)
2009_12_21_21:11:16.947   069.180.210.xxx   the skeleton (152)
2009_12_21_21:11:24.895   068.150.181.xxx   who is your favorite Reindeer??? (106)
2009_12_21_21:11:38.020   072.040.027.xxx   Nope, not the skeleton (79)
2009_12_21_21:12:04.717   069.180.210.xxx   My favorite reindeer is Bill....he eats cheeseburgers (153)
2009_12_21_21:12:10.708   068.150.181.xxx   I'm dreaming of a WHITE ob*ect!! (107)
2009_12_21_21:12:37.644   069.180.210.xxx   Huge snowman person (154)
2009_12_21_21:12:57.978   072.040.027.xxx   Nope, not the huge snowman person (80 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:13:17.612   069.180.210.xxx   hmmm....the icicles? (155)
2009_12_21_21:13:22.792   068.150.181.xxx   why is j in Ob ject starred out? (108)
2009_12_21_21:13:31.365   072.040.027.xxx   Nope not icicles (81)
2009_12_21_21:13:59.177   069.180.210.xxx   who knows? the filter is very sensitive (156)
2009_12_21_21:13:59.792   068.150.181.xxx   Christmas tree next to Balloon boy? (109)
2009_12_21_21:14:23.424   069.180.210.xxx   ON (157)
2009_12_21_21:14:28.275   072.040.027.xxx   Nope not Cmas tree close to balloon boy. (82)
2009_12_21_21:14:32.464   068.150.181.xxx   AAAALLLLLVVVIIIIIINNNNNN!!!!!!!!! (110 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:15:03.602   068.150.181.xxx   who's watching Scrooged? (111)
2009_12_21_21:15:04.292   072.040.027.xxx   Hint: In room with the screen. (83)
2009_12_21_21:15:11.929   069.180.210.xxx   There's a kid in my class....we call him theodore (158)
2009_12_21_21:15:31.434   068.150.181.xxx   the toy? (112)
2009_12_21_21:15:55.467   069.180.210.xxx   off of Alvin & the Chipmunks (159)
2009_12_21_21:15:55.865   072.040.027.xxx   Nope. Light is out right now (84)
2009_12_21_21:16:24.387   072.040.027.xxx   Now back on (the light) (85)
2009_12_21_21:16:26.075   068.150.181.xxx   the ladder?? (113)
2009_12_21_21:16:48.783   069.180.210.xxx   oh oh! that one little white thing right there on the screen! (160 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:16:53.845   072.040.027.xxx   Now back on (the light) (86)
2009_12_21_21:17:23.081   069.180.210.xxx   The sign with the R in it (161)
2009_12_21_21:17:34.814   068.150.181.xxx   yoou talking the lava lamp? (114)
2009_12_21_21:17:40.635   072.040.027.xxx   YES!!  The R! (87)
2009_12_21_21:17:54.888   069.180.210.xxx   woo hoo! (162)
2009_12_21_21:17:58.703   068.150.181.xxx   oooooh (115)
2009_12_21_21:18:09.785   072.040.027.xxx   YAY!! (88)
2009_12_21_21:18:22.691   069.180.210.xxx   I spy something white (163)
2009_12_21_21:18:23.837   068.040.235.xxx   Hey everyone
2009_12_21_21:18:45.431   072.040.027.xxx   Hi Alek!! (89)
2009_12_21_21:18:47.401   068.150.181.xxx   Alek is back in the seat (116)
2009_12_21_21:18:50.648   069.180.210.xxx   I spy something white (164)
2009_12_21_21:19:12.671   072.040.027.xxx   Clock face (90 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:19:13.164   068.150.181.xxx   Alek? (117)
2009_12_21_21:19:19.448   068.040.235.xxx   I'm tired. HAd 2 hockey games today
2009_12_21_21:19:22.598   069.180.210.xxx   no (165)
2009_12_21_21:19:41.151   072.040.027.xxx   Lava lamp (91)
2009_12_21_21:19:58.513   069.180.210.xxx   nope (166)
2009_12_21_21:20:07.419   068.150.181.xxx   the wall (118)
2009_12_21_21:20:17.623   068.040.235.xxx   I'm tired. Had 2 hockey games today
2009_12_21_21:20:22.853   072.040.027.xxx   The white on the santa who's on the ladder? (92)
2009_12_21_21:21:15.255   068.150.181.xxx   the Icicles on the garage? (119)
2009_12_21_21:21:28.160   068.040.235.xxx   Alek can you wave goodnight to my son?
2009_12_21_21:21:30.432   069.180.210.xxx   nope (167)
2009_12_21_21:21:50.639   068.150.181.xxx   the Skeleton (120 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:21:54.525   072.040.027.xxx   The toy next to the lit up gift box? (93)
2009_12_21_21:22:16.825   068.040.235.xxx   Lol I found a Xmas present today
2009_12_21_21:22:43.907   072.040.027.xxx   The case surrounding the monitor? (94)
2009_12_21_21:22:58.355   098.213.072.xxx   I deflated Homer lol
2009_12_21_21:23:09.321   068.150.181.xxx   the on/off on the roof? (121)
2009_12_21_21:23:20.698   068.040.235.xxx   I'm going to Milwaukee tomorrow
2009_12_21_21:23:32.989   072.040.027.xxx   The papers next to Alek? (95)
2009_12_21_21:23:41.696   098.213.072.xxx   The casing aroound the moniter is a folding chair...look closely
2009_12_21_21:23:54.951   024.130.067.xxx   this is awesome
2009_12_21_21:24:15.147   072.040.027.xxx   the folding looks white (96)
2009_12_21_21:24:29.277   068.150.181.xxx   the Garage door? (122)
2009_12_21_21:24:45.077   072.040.027.xxx   The candles! (97)
2009_12_21_21:25:25.277   068.040.235.xxx   Alek, you look very concentrated
2009_12_21_21:25:27.607   069.180.210.xxx   nope (168)
2009_12_21_21:25:37.049   068.150.181.xxx   that little snowman just at the front of the screen (123)
2009_12_21_21:25:57.108   069.180.210.xxx   nope (169)
2009_12_21_21:26:22.988   072.040.027.xxx   the printing on the sign behind Alek? (98)
2009_12_21_21:26:43.751   069.180.210.xxx   nope...need a hint? (170 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:26:48.198   068.150.181.xxx   the white lights on the green box? (124)
2009_12_21_21:27:02.582   072.040.027.xxx   I need a hint!! (99)
2009_12_21_21:27:20.029   069.180.210.xxx   It's always on (171)
2009_12_21_21:27:46.098   069.180.210.xxx   read (172)
2009_12_21_21:27:56.246   068.150.181.xxx   the door light? (125)
2009_12_21_21:28:10.998   069.180.210.xxx   nope (173)
2009_12_21_21:28:31.125   068.150.181.xxx   the light on the ceiling (126)
2009_12_21_21:28:44.871   069.180.210.xxx   no, HINT:  read (174)
2009_12_21_21:28:45.268   072.040.027.xxx   next on monitor (100 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:29:17.241   068.150.181.xxx   32 mins! (127)
2009_12_21_21:29:20.572   072.040.027.xxx   text on monitor -- sorry (101)
2009_12_21_21:29:21.499   069.180.210.xxx   next? (175)
2009_12_21_21:29:31.043   192.018.043.xxx   hello
2009_12_21_21:29:48.026   072.040.027.xxx   text on monitor -- sorry (102)
2009_12_21_21:29:58.181   069.180.210.xxx   YES!!! IT's TEXT!!!! (176)
2009_12_21_21:30:01.753   068.150.181.xxx   oh hehehe (128)
2009_12_21_21:30:11.236   071.072.039.xxx   Happy Holidays to one and all.!
2009_12_21_21:30:17.514   072.040.027.xxx   YAY!!  I got it! (103)
2009_12_21_21:30:24.475   069.180.210.xxx   awesome (177)
2009_12_21_21:30:38.393   068.150.181.xxx   you got it! :) (129)
2009_12_21_21:30:51.548   069.180.210.xxx   good job! (178)
2009_12_21_21:31:27.221   068.150.181.xxx   ok, who's next! (130 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:32:00.902   076.171.236.xxx   Merry Christmas, Everyone!
2009_12_21_21:32:17.201   131.203.076.xxx   Hello World
2009_12_21_21:32:41.200   068.150.181.xxx   ok I spy something that is Orange (131)
2009_12_21_21:32:52.260   131.203.076.xxx   Oranges
2009_12_21_21:33:07.648   068.150.181.xxx   no (132)
2009_12_21_21:33:21.172   069.180.210.xxx   crayon (179)
2009_12_21_21:33:42.856   131.203.076.xxx   slashdot.org
2009_12_21_21:33:47.976   068.150.181.xxx   no (133)
2009_12_21_21:34:23.446   069.149.122.xxx   slashdot is fail
2009_12_21_21:34:42.469   069.180.210.xxx   It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown! (180 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:34:50.491   068.150.181.xxx   :D (134)
2009_12_21_21:34:57.556   131.203.076.xxx   p**** filter
2009_12_21_21:35:24.256   068.150.181.xxx   oh come on already.  give it up buddy (135)
2009_12_21_21:35:32.308   069.180.210.xxx   family friendly please....I'd certainly appreciate it (181)
2009_12_21_21:36:01.769   068.150.181.xxx   ya no potty mouth or i'll come and get you (136)
2009_12_21_21:36:11.114   070.173.247.xxx   Does this work on twitter?
2009_12_21_21:36:15.358   069.180.210.xxx   lol (182)
2009_12_21_21:36:44.062   069.149.122.xxx   I wanna _________ all the _________ers who can't stop _________ing ____________
2009_12_21_21:36:50.868   069.180.210.xxx   someone going to guess? (183)
2009_12_21_21:36:58.571   068.150.181.xxx   so whats the guess for the total of texts? :) (137)
2009_12_21_21:37:18.154   069.180.210.xxx   3078 (184)
2009_12_21_21:37:30.679   068.150.181.xxx   I think someone answered it inadvertently (138)
2009_12_21_21:37:52.654   069.180.210.xxx   huh? (185)
2009_12_21_21:38:01.249   068.150.181.xxx   I guess 2654 (139)
2009_12_21_21:38:33.724   068.150.181.xxx   it was the Pumpkin... :) (140 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:38:43.956   068.050.045.xxx   how bout them skins? ouch...
2009_12_21_21:39:01.452   068.150.181.xxx   22 mins (141)
2009_12_21_21:39:02.419   069.180.210.xxx   wow, look how many! (186)
2009_12_21_21:39:32.619   071.232.070.xxx   This is so cool..  Great Job!!!!!  From Ma**achusetts!
2009_12_21_21:40:43.831   068.150.181.xxx   haha, it all reset (142)
2009_12_21_21:41:17.816   069.180.210.xxx   Ya'll want to try to break the record tomorrow? (187)
2009_12_21_21:41:30.248   068.150.181.xxx   anyone else hate jamster? (143)
2009_12_21_21:41:47.931   069.180.210.xxx   don't know what that it (188)
2009_12_21_21:42:12.954   068.150.181.xxx   it's a rip off texting company.. scam (144)
2009_12_21_21:42:17.480   069.180.210.xxx   is... typo (189)
2009_12_21_21:42:23.783   071.232.070.xxx   Is this done in Linux?
2009_12_21_21:42:25.883   140.168.129.xxx   Merry Christmas
2009_12_21_21:42:46.481   069.180.210.xxx   Ya'll too! (190 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:42:56.437   140.168.129.xxx   This is pretty pimp
2009_12_21_21:43:10.853   068.150.181.xxx   have a holly jolly Christms! (145)
2009_12_21_21:43:28.539   069.180.210.xxx   It's the best time of the year! (191)
2009_12_21_21:43:47.231   140.168.129.xxx   Please geek my house like this
2009_12_21_21:43:53.137   068.150.181.xxx   it's the most wonderful time of the year... (146)
2009_12_21_21:43:57.919   071.232.070.xxx   lol
2009_12_21_21:44:41.918   068.150.181.xxx   i'm getting tired of typing... (147)
2009_12_21_21:45:02.519   069.180.210.xxx   not me! I'm almost at 200! (192)
2009_12_21_21:45:44.166   068.150.181.xxx   ya I try to type (148)
2009_12_21_21:45:56.295   069.180.210.xxx   you can't decorate my house like this..trailers aren't that sophisticated (193)
2009_12_21_21:46:48.548   068.150.181.xxx   Hey Jackson! (149)
2009_12_21_21:47:09.064   072.210.066.xxx   andrew
2009_12_21_21:47:27.535   072.040.027.xxx   Let's try to break the record tomorrow (104)
2009_12_21_21:47:43.438   068.150.181.xxx   The whole neighborhood is lit up (150 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:47:46.756   069.180.210.xxx   hey worth a shot (194)
2009_12_21_21:48:05.897   072.040.027.xxx   We'll have to start early (105)
2009_12_21_21:48:12.831   069.180.210.xxx   yup (195)
2009_12_21_21:48:13.162   068.150.181.xxx   ya constant typing for 5 hours (151)
2009_12_21_21:48:19.184   072.210.066.xxx   this is mclovin
2009_12_21_21:48:49.993   024.027.041.xxx   Merry stinkin' Christmas from Antlers Oklahoma!!!
2009_12_21_21:49:05.618   072.040.027.xxx   It's Alek again!  Hi Alek! (106)
2009_12_21_21:49:07.202   069.180.210.xxx   Hey Alek! (196)
2009_12_21_21:49:20.955   068.150.181.xxx   Alek should join in :) (152)
2009_12_21_21:49:41.299   072.040.027.xxx   Alek did join in earlier.  Waved at us! (107)
2009_12_21_21:49:46.431   069.180.210.xxx   yeah, it would probably drive him insane (197)
2009_12_21_21:49:57.713   068.150.181.xxx   he needs to make guesses in I Spy (153)
2009_12_21_21:50:09.394   072.210.066.xxx   wave at the web cam
2009_12_21_21:50:19.150   072.040.027.xxx   See?  He waved again!  Very cool. (108)
2009_12_21_21:50:27.240   071.072.039.xxx   Seasons Greetings.!
2009_12_21_21:50:46.433   069.180.210.xxx   Yeah, I drove them crazy for about a full 5 minutes. (198)
2009_12_21_21:50:46.605   072.210.066.xxx   hello
2009_12_21_21:50:57.101   068.150.181.xxx   hey Alek, Question, what of all your decorations... (154)
2009_12_21_21:51:02.343   072.040.027.xxx   Gotta go.  Merry Christmas to Alek and everyone! (109)
2009_12_21_21:51:14.122   069.180.210.xxx   bye! (199)
2009_12_21_21:51:16.289   072.210.066.xxx   HO, Frosty Family, Roof Outline
2009_12_21_21:51:30.082   068.150.181.xxx   what was the hardest to put up? (155)
2009_12_21_21:51:51.259   069.180.210.xxx   THIS IS MY 200th IM TODAY!!!!   WOO HOO!!!!! (200 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:51:58.126   072.210.066.xxx   the roof
2009_12_21_21:51:59.070   216.137.065.xxx   this is weird
2009_12_21_21:52:25.582   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** The Santa Balloon is bolted/tied down pretty good - took a lot of work ***ALEK***
2009_12_21_21:52:29.500   072.210.066.xxx   hello dood
2009_12_21_21:52:46.215   216.137.065.xxx   I got drunk the day my mom got out of prison.
2009_12_21_21:52:54.843   069.180.210.xxx   200 IMs. I must have a lot of time on my hands (201)
2009_12_21_21:53:09.622   072.210.066.xxx   email me videos at LINK DELETED
2009_12_21_21:53:11.056   068.150.181.xxx   hope you answer alek,  Hardest decoration.. (156)
2009_12_21_21:53:30.809   173.017.144.xxx   Very cool, dood!
2009_12_21_21:53:38.804   068.150.181.xxx   to put together outside (157)
2009_12_21_21:54:04.397   072.210.066.xxx   b****
2009_12_21_21:54:26.832   075.010.157.xxx   Awesome fundraising idea! Merry X-mas!
2009_12_21_21:54:29.423   069.180.210.xxx   I like fish (202)
2009_12_21_21:54:39.132   072.210.066.xxx   hello (10 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:54:45.404   068.150.181.xxx   ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (158)
2009_12_21_21:55:18.869   068.150.181.xxx   waa waa waa waa waa (159)
2009_12_21_21:55:23.324   072.210.066.xxx   i am a hacker (11)
2009_12_21_21:55:51.515   068.150.181.xxx   ya, sure ya are.. (160 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:56:18.252   072.210.066.xxx   i can make viruses (12)
2009_12_21_21:56:30.258   069.180.210.xxx   probably with the ps3 (203)
2009_12_21_21:56:49.512   068.150.181.xxx   I'm forever blowing bubbles... (161)
2009_12_21_21:56:55.632   072.210.066.xxx   nope with pc and hacke in to web cams (13)
2009_12_21_21:57:12.096   069.180.210.xxx   Well, it's just about time to go (204)
2009_12_21_21:57:28.766   068.150.181.xxx   ya ok..  go to bed now (162)
2009_12_21_21:58:07.973   069.180.210.xxx   No school tomorrow though (205)
2009_12_21_21:58:13.943   072.210.066.xxx   by all (14)
2009_12_21_21:58:34.049   072.213.171.xxx   good bye
2009_12_21_21:58:40.714   068.150.181.xxx   Prancer and francer and dancer and lancer (163)
2009_12_21_21:58:51.926   069.180.210.xxx   Good night everyone! Have a wonderful day tomorrow! (206)
2009_12_21_21:59:19.619   068.150.181.xxx   take it easy yall.. happy Dec 22nd! (164)
2009_12_21_21:59:29.405   071.072.039.xxx   Happy Holidays to all + goodnite from Ohio   :D (10 IM's so far today)
2009_12_21_21:59:48.694   072.213.171.xxx   good night from oklahoma
2009_12_21_21:59:50.026   068.150.181.xxx   yay (165)
2009_12_21_21:59:51.037   069.180.210.xxx   Don't Worry Be Happy!!!!!! (207)

Christmas Messages Index